A set of functions for working with and manipulating array values.
All(inputArray, testFunction) -> Boolean
Function bundle: Core
Indicates whether all of the elements in a given array pass a test from the provided function. Returns true
if the function returns true
for all items in the input array.
testFunction: Function - The function used to test each element in the array
. The function must return a truthy value if the element passes the test. The function can be a user-defined function or a core Arcade function defined with the following parameter:Function(value : Any) - > Boolean - value: Any - Represents the value of an element in the array.
Return value: Boolean
if the test function returns a truthy value for all the elements.
Returns false
because some of the elements in the input array do not pass the is
// isEven is used to test if each element in the array is even
// it returns true if the element is divisible by two, false if is not
function isEven(value) { return value % 2 == 0 }
// The isEven function will execute for each element in the array,
// returning the following values: false, true, false, true, false
// Since some of the values in the array did not pass the test
// (return true), the return value will be false
All([1,2,3,4,5], isEven)
Uses the existing is
Arcade function as the test
. This is valid because is
takes a single parameter and returns a boolean value. This expression returns true
if all of the fields are empty.
var myArray = [ $feature.field1, $feature.field2, $feature.field3, $feature.field4];
All(myArray, isEmpty)
Any(inputArray, testFunction) -> Boolean
Function bundle: Core
Tests whether any of the elements in a given array pass a test from the provided function. Returns true
if the function returns true
for at least one item in the input array.
testFunction: Function - The function used to test each element in the array
. The The function must return a truthy value if the element passes the test. The function can be a user-defined function or a core Arcade function defined with the following parameter:Function(value : Any) - > Boolean - value: Any - Represents the value of an element in the array.
Return value: Boolean
if the test function returns a truthy value for any of the elements.
Returns true
because at least one element in the input array passes the is
// isEven is used to test if each element in the array is even
// it returns true if the element is divisible by two, false if is not
function isEven(value) { return value % 2 == 0 }
// The isEven function will execute for each element in the array,
// returning the following values: false, true, false, true, false
// Since at least one value in the array passed the test
// (return true), the return value will be true
Any([1,2,3,4,5], isEven)
Uses the existing is
Arcade function as the test
. This is valid because is
takes a single parameter and returns a boolean value. This expression returns true
if any of the fields are empty.
var myArray = [ $feature.field1, $feature.field2, $feature.field3, $feature.field4];
Any(myArray, isEmpty)
This function has 2 signatures:
- Since v1.12 - Array(arrayLength, defaultValue?) -> Array<Any>
- Since v1.23 - Array(inputArray, deep?) -> Array<Any>
Array(arrayLength, defaultValue?) -> Array<Any>
Function bundle: Core
Returns a new array of a given length.
- arrayLength: Number - The desired length for the new array.
- defaultValue (Optional): Any - The value for each element in the array. If no value is specified, the default will be
Returns [null, null, null, null, null]
Returns ["hello","hello"]
Array(2, "hello")
Returns [1,1,1]
Array(3, 1)
Array(inputArray, deep?) -> Array<Any>
Function bundle: Core
Returns either a shallow or deep copy of an input array.
- inputArray: Array<Any> - The array to be copied.
- deep (Optional): Boolean - When
, creates a deep copy of each element in the input array, meaning elements in the output array will not share the same references as the elements of the input array. Default value isfalse
Creates a shallow copy of the input array
var person1 = {
firstName: "Jane",
lastName: "Doe"
var person2 = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Smith"
var people = [ person1, person2 ];
// create a shallow copy of the array
var copiedArray = Array(people);
people[0] == copiedArray[0];
// returns true
// this is a shallow copy of the array, so the elements share the same references
Creates a deep copy of the input array
var deepCopy = Array(people, true);
people[0] == deepCopy[0]
// returns false
// this is a deep copy of the array, so the elements do NOT share the same references
Back(inputArray) -> Any
Function bundle: Core
Returns the last element of an array. If the input array is empty, then the expression evaluation will fail.
Return value: Any
Returns 'gray'
var colors = ['orange', 'purple', 'gray']
Count(value) -> Number
Function bundle: Core
Returns the number of items in an array.
Return value: Number
Returns 6
This function has 2 signatures:
- Since v1.26 - DefaultValue(inputArray, index, defaultValue) -> Any
- Since v1.26 - DefaultValue(inputArray, keys, defaultValue) -> Any
DefaultValue(inputArray, index, defaultValue) -> Any
Function bundle: Core
Returns a specified default value if an index in an array does not exist or the value at the specified index is null
or an empty text value.
- inputArray: Array<Any> - The input array to check.
- index: Number - The index to check.
- defaultValue: Any - This value is returned if the index does not exist or the value at the specified index is
or an empty text value.
Return value: Any
Returns the value at the specified index if defined. Otherwise, returns the value specified in default
Array with value at the given index
var a = [23,4,null,36,901]
DefaultValue(a, 4, "No data");
// returns 901
Array with no value at the given index
var a = [23,4,null,36,901]
DefaultValue(a, 5, "No data");
// returns "No data"
Array with a null value at the given index
var a = [23,4,null,36,901]
DefaultValue(a, 2, "No data");
// returns "No data"
DefaultValue(inputArray, keys, defaultValue) -> Any
Function bundle: Core
Checks whether an index nested several levels deep in a multidimensional array has a value and returns that value if present. Otherwise, this function returns a specified default value if at least one of the nested keys or indices does not exist or the value at the specified key or index is null
or an empty text value. This allows you to drill into a nested structure in one step rather than check values within each array.
- inputArray: Array<Any> - The input array to check.
- keys: Array<Number | Text> - An array of the keys or indexes to check in each level of the container's structure.
- defaultValue: Any - This value is returned if at least one of the keys or indices does not exist or the value at the specified key is
or an empty text value.
Return value: Any
Returns the value at the specified key or index if defined. Otherwise, returns the value specified in default
Array with a value at the nested index
var a = [23,4,[0,0,1,1,0],36,901]
DefaultValue(a, [2, 3], "No data");
// returns 1
Array with no value at the nested index
var a = [23,4,[0,0,1,1,0],36,901]
DefaultValue(a, [2, 10], "No data");
// returns "No data"
Array with no value at the parent index
var a = [23,4,[0,0,1,1,0],36,901]
DefaultValue(a, [10, 3], "No data");
// returns "No data"
Array of dictionaries with nested values
var data = {
time: Date(2024, 0, 24, 12),
interval: 1,
intervalUnit: "days",
weather: {
precipitation: {
type: "rain",
values: [0.4, 0, 0, null, 0.1, 0.8, 1],
unit: "inches"
temperature: {
values: [50, 50, 51, 52, 55, 49, 51],
unit: "f"
var a = [ data, data2, data3 ]
DefaultValue(a, [0, "weather","precipitation","values", 6], "No data");
// returns 1
This function has 2 signatures:
- Since v1.1 - Distinct(values) -> Array<Any>
- Since v1.1 - Distinct([value1, ..., valueN]?) -> Array<Any>
Distinct(values) -> Array<Any>
Function bundle: Core
Returns a set of distinct, or unique, values for an array of values.
// Returns [1,2,3,4,5]
Distinct([value1, ..., valueN]?) -> Array<Any>
Function bundle: Core
Returns a set of distinct, or unique, values for a list of values.
- [value1, ..., valueN] (Optional): Any - A list of values on which to perform the operation.
// Returns ['high','medium','low',0]
Erase(inputArray, index) -> Null
Function bundle: Core
Removes a value from an array at a given index. Existing elements positioned at or above the given index will shift down one index value. The array decreases in size by one.
- inputArray: Array<Any> - The array to remove the value from.
- index: Number - The index of the value to remove from the array. If a negative index is provided, it will be used as an offset from the end of the array.
Return value: Null
var colors = ['orange', 'purple', 'gray']
Erase(colors, 1)
// colors = ['orange','gray']
var colors = ['orange', 'purple', 'gray']
Erase(colors, -1)
// colors = ['orange','purple']
Filter(inputArray, filterFunction) -> Array<Any>
Function bundle: Core
Creates a new array with the elements filtered from the input array that pass a test from the provided function.
filterFunction: Function - The function used to filter elements in the array
. The function must return a truthy value if the element passes the test. This function can be a user-defined function or a core Arcade function defined with the following parameter:Function(value : Any) - > Boolean - value: Any - Represents the value of an element in the array.
Return value: Array<Any>
Returns an array with the elements that passe the test function.
Returns a new array comprised of elements that passed the is
function isEven(i) { return i % 2 == 0 }
Filter([1,2,3,4,5], isEven) // Returns [2,4]
// Since 2 and 4 are even, they are the only values
// included in the output array.
Uses the existing is
Arcade function in the filter
. Returns a new array of fields that are not empty.
var myArray = [ $feature.field1, $feature.field2, $feature.field3, $feature.field4];
function isNotEmpty(value){
return !isEmpty(value);
Filter(myArray, isNotEmpty)
// Returns only values that are defined,
// excluding empty values from the result
First(inputArray) -> Any
Function bundle: Core
Returns the first element in an array. Returns null
if the array is empty.
Return value: Any
prints 'orange'
First(['orange', 'purple', 'gray'])
Front(inputArray) -> Any
Function bundle: Core
Returns the first element of an array. If the input array is empty, then the expression evaluation will fail.
Return value: Any
Returns 'orange'
var colors = ['orange', 'purple', 'gray']
This function has 2 signatures:
- Since v1.26 - HasValue(inputArray, index) -> Boolean
- Since v1.26 - HasValue(inputArray, indexes) -> Boolean
HasValue(inputArray, index) -> Boolean
Function bundle: Core
Indicates whether an array has a value at the given index.
Return value: Boolean
Array with value at the given index
var a = [23,4,null,36,901]
HasValue(a, 4);
// returns true
Array with no value at the given index
var a = [23,4,null,36,901]
HasValue(a, 5);
// returns false
Array with a null value at the given index
var a = [23,4,null,36,901]
HasValue(a, 2);
// returns false
HasValue(inputArray, indexes) -> Boolean
Function bundle: Core
Checks whether an index nested several levels deep in a multidimensional array has a value. This allows you to drill into a nested structure in one step rather than check values within each array. Returns true
if the indexes at each level of the structure exist and include a non-null value.
- inputArray: Array<Any> - The array to check.
- indexes: Array<Number | Text> - An array of the keys or indexes to check in each level of the structure.
Return value: Boolean
Array with a value at the nested index
var a = [23,4,[0,0,1,1,0],36,901]
HasValue(a, [2, 4]);
// returns true
Array with no value at the nested index
var a = [23,4,[0,0,1,1,0],36,901]
HasValue(a, [2, 10]);
// returns false
Array with no value at the parent index
var a = [23,4,[0,0,1,1,0],36,901]
HasValue(a, [10, 5]);
// returns false
Array of dictionaries with nested values
var data = {
time: Date(2024, 0, 24, 12),
interval: 1,
intervalUnit: "days",
weather: {
precipitation: {
type: "rain",
values: [0.4, 0, 0, null, 0.1, 0.8, 1],
unit: "inches"
temperature: {
values: [50, 50, 51, 52, 55, 49, 51],
unit: "f"
var a = [ data, data2, data3 ]
if(HasValue(a, [0, "weather","precipitation","values", 6])){
// This check succeeds so the value will be returned
return a[0].weather.precipitation.values[6];
// returns 1
Includes(inputArray, value) -> Boolean
Function bundle: Core
Determines whether an array contains a given value. Returns true
if the value is found within the array.
Return value: Boolean
Returns true
Includes(['orange', 'purple', 'gray'], 'purple')
Returns false
Includes(['orange', 'purple', 'gray'], 'red')
IndexOf(inputArray, item) -> Number
Function bundle: Core
Returns the zero-based index location of the input item in an array. If item
does not exist, then -1
is returned.
Return value: Number
prints 2
var num = [1,2,3,4];
return indexof(num, 3);
Insert(inputArray, index, value) -> Null
Function bundle: Core
Inserts a new value into an array at a given index. Existing elements positioned at or above the given index will shift up one index value. The array increases in size by one.
- inputArray: Array<Any> - The array to insert the new value into.
- index: Number - The index of the array where the new value should be inserted. An index of 0 will insert the value at the beginning of the array. An index that equals the size of the array will insert the value at the end of the array. An index greater than the size of the array will cause an error. If a negative index is provided, it will be used as an offset from the end of the array.
- value: Any - The value to insert into the array.
Return value: Null
var colors = ['orange', 'purple', 'gray']
Insert(colors, 1, 'yellow')
// colors = ['orange','yellow','purple','gray']
var colors = ['orange', 'purple', 'gray']
Insert(colors, -1, 'yellow')
// colors = ['orange','purple','yellow','gray']
Map(inputArray, mappingFunction) -> Array<Any>
Function bundle: Core
Creates a new array based on results of calling a provided function on each element in the input array.
mappingFunction: Function - The function to call on each element in the array
. The function must return a new item that will be part of the returned array. The function can be a user-defined function or a core Arcade function defined with the following parameter:Function(value : Any) - > Any - value: Any - Represents the value of an element in the array.
Return value: Array<Any>
The items returned by the mapping function.
Converts all of the elements in the array from Fahrenheit to Celsius and returns them in a new array.
// This function will take in values from the input array and convert them to Celsius
function toCelsius(f) {
return Round((f - 32) * 5/9, 2)
// The toCelsius function executes for each each item
// in the input array.
// Map returns the resulting array of converted values.
Map([82, 67, 96, 55, 34], toCelsius)
// returns [27.78, 19.44, 35.56, 12.78, 1.11]
Converts date objects to formatted text
var dates = [ Date(1996, 11, 10), Date(1995, 1, 6), Date(1992, 2, 27), Date(1990, 10, 2)];
function formatDates(dateVal) { return Text(dateVal, 'MMM D, Y') }
Map(dates, formatDates);
// returns ['Dec 10, 1996', 'Feb 6, 1995', 'Mar 27, 1992', 'Nov 2, 1990']
None(inputArray, testFunction) -> Boolean
Function bundle: Core
Tests whether none of the elements in a given array pass a test from the provided function. Returns true
if the test
returns false
for all items in the input array.
testFunction: Function - The function to test each element in the array
. The function must return a falsy value if the element doesn't pass the test. The function can be a user-defined function or a core Arcade function defined with the following parameter:Function(value : Any) - > Boolean - value: Any - Represents the value of an element in the array.
Return value: Boolean
if all the elements in the array don't pass the test function.
Returns false
because some of the elements in the input array pass the is
// isEven is used to test if each element in the array is even
// it returns true if the element is divisible by two, false if is not
function isEven(value) { return value % 2 == 0 }
// The isEven function will execute for each element in the array,
// returning the following values: false, true, false, true, false
// Since at least one value in the array passed the test
// (return true), the return value will be false
None([1,2,3,4,5], isEven)
Uses the existing is
Arcade function as the test
. This is valid because is
takes a single parameter and returns a boolean value. This expression returns true
if none of the fields are empty.
var myArray = [ $feature.field1, $feature.field2, $feature.field3, $feature.field4];
None(myArray, isEmpty)
Pop(inputArray) -> Any
Function bundle: Core
Removes and returns the element at the end of the array. If the array is empty, then an error is thrown.
Return value: Any
Returns 'gray'. The input array will now equal ['orange', 'purple']
Pop(['orange', 'purple', 'gray'])
Push(inputArray, value) -> Number
Function bundle: Core
Adds an element to the end of an array and returns the new length of the array.
- inputArray: Array<Any> - The array to have elements pushed to.
- value: Any - The value to add as the last element of the input array.
Return value: Number
Returns 4. The input array will now equal ['orange', 'purple', 'gray', 'red']
Push(['orange', 'purple', 'gray'], 'red')
Reduce(inputArray, reducerFunction, initialValue?) -> Any
Function bundle: Core
Executes a provided "reducer" function on each element in the array, passing in the return value from the calculation of the previous element.
reducerFunction: Function - The reducer function that will aggregate the array values
.Function(previous Value : Any, array Value : Any) - > Any -
initialValue (Optional): Any - An item to pass into the first argument of the reducer function.
Return value: Any
The value that was assembled by the reducer function for each element in the array.
Without the initial
parameter, the first two elements of the cities
array are passed into the add function as arguments.
var cities = [{
name: 'Columbus',
pop: 913921
}, {
name: 'Cincinnati',
pop: 307266
}, {
name: 'Dayton',
pop: 140343
}, {
name: 'Cleveland',
pop: 376599
// the first time this function is called it will take the first two elements of the array as x and y
// The subsequent times the function is executed, it will take the return value
// from the previous function call as x and the next array value as y
function mostPopulated(city1, city2) {
IIf (city1.pop > city2.pop, city1, city2)
var largestCity = Reduce(cities, mostPopulated)
Console(largestCity.name + ' is the biggest city in the list with a population of ' + largestCity.pop)
// Columbus is the biggest city in the list with a population of 913921
Since the initial
parameter is set, that value will be the function's first argument (city1
), and the first element of the cities
will be the function's second argument (city2
var los_angeles = { name: 'Los Angeles', pop: 3898747 }
// since an initialValue is provided, it will be passed into the maxPop function as x
// and the first value of the array will be passed in as y for the initial function call
// The subsequent times the function is executed, it will take the return value
// from the previous function call as x and the next array value as y
var largestCity = Reduce(cities, mostPopulated, los_angeles)
Console(largestCity.name + ' is the biggest city in the list with a population of ' + largestCity.pop)
// Los Angeles is the biggest city in the list with a population of 3898747
Resize(inputArray, newSize, value?) -> Null
Function bundle: Core
Changes the number of elements in an array to the specified size. It can be used to expand the array or truncate it early. After resizing, attempting to index beyond the new last element will result in an error, except for the case of indexing the next element, which will continue to expand the array by one element.
- inputArray: Array<Any> - The array to be resized.
- newSize: Number - The number of elements desired in the resized array.
- value (Optional): Any - The optional value that will be used for any new elements added to the array. If no value is specified, the newly added elements will have a
Return value: Null
Returns ['orange', 'purple', 'gray', null, null]
var colors = ['orange', 'purple', 'gray']
Resize(colors, 5)
return colors
Returns ['orange', 'purple', 'gray', 'red', 'red']
var colors = ['orange', 'purple', 'gray']
Resize(colors, 5, 'red')
return colors
Returns ['orange']
var colors = ['orange', 'purple', 'gray']
Resize(colors, 1)
return colors
Reverse(inputArray) -> Array<Any>
Function bundle: Core
Reverses the contents of the array in place.
Returns ['gray', 'purple', 'orange']
Reverse(['orange', 'purple', 'gray'])
Slice(inputArray, startIndex?, endIndex?) -> Array<Any>
Function bundle: Core
Returns a portion of an array between two indexes as a new array.
- inputArray: Array<Any> - The array to be sliced.
- startIndex (Optional): Number - The index from which to start the slice. Defaults to
. If a negative index is provided, it will be used as an offset from the end of the array. - endIndex (Optional): Number - The index where the slice will end. The value at this index will not be included in the returned array. Defaults to the array size.
Returns ['purple', 'gray']
Slice(['orange', 'purple', 'gray', 'red', 'blue'], 1, 3)
Returns ['red', 'blue']
Slice(['orange', 'purple', 'gray', 'red', 'blue'], 3)
Returns ['orange', 'purple', 'gray', 'red', 'blue']
Slice(['orange', 'purple', 'gray', 'red', 'blue'])
Returns ['blue']
Slice(['orange', 'purple', 'gray', 'red', 'blue'], -1)
Sort(inputArray, comparatorFunction?) -> Array<Any>
Function bundle: Core
Sorts an array by ASCII value. If all the items in the array are the same type, an appropriate sort function will be used. If they are different types, the items will be converted to text. If the array contains dictionaries, and no user defined function is provided, no sort will happen. If the array contains null
values, they will not be converted to text and will be returned at the end of the sorted array.
comparatorFunction (Optional): Function - A user defined function to be used for the sort
. The function receives two elements and should retun a number that indicates the sorting order of the two elements:Function(a : Any, b : Any) - > Number
> 0
: sortb
= 0
: keep the original order ofa
< 0
: sorta
returns ['$', 1, '
Sort([1, 'a', '$', 'A'])
Sort using a user defined function
var peopleArray = [{ 'NAME': 'Sam', 'AGE': 25 }, {'NAME': 'Bob', 'AGE': 27 },{ 'NAME': 'Emma', 'AGE': 24 }];
function compareAge(a,b){
if (a['AGE']<b['AGE'])
return -1;
if (a['AGE']>b['AGE'])
return 1;
return 0;
return Sort(peopleArray, compareAge);
// returns '[{ 'AGE': 24, 'NAME': 'Emma' }, { 'AGE': 25, 'NAME': 'Sam' }, { 'AGE': 27, 'NAME': 'Bob' } ]'
Splice([value1, ..., valueN]?) -> Array<Any>
Function bundle: Core
Concatenates all parameters together into a new array.
- [value1, ..., valueN] (Optional): Any - An ongoing list of values to be spliced into a new array.
Returns ['orange', 'purple', 1, 2, 'red']
Splice(['orange', 'purple'], 1, 2, 'red')
Returns [1, 2, 3, 4]
Splice([1,2], [3,4])
Top(inputArray, numItems) -> Array<Any>
Function bundle: Core
Truncates the input array and returns the first given number of elements.
- inputArray: Array<Any> - The array to truncate.
- numItems: Number - The number of items to return from the beginning of the array.
returns [ 43,32,19 ]
Top([ 43,32,19,0,3,55 ], 3)