ArcGIS REST JS is a light-weight collection of JavaScript modules for accessing ArcGIS services and building mapping and spatial analysis applications. The library makes it easy to set up authentication and to make requests to ArcGIS location services and ArcGIS Enterprise services. For example, you can make requests to perform data queries, geocoding, routing, demographic queries, content management, and administration tasks. The library is available as ES, CommonJS, and UMD modules for client and server-side use.
Learn more about the capabilities in Key features.
Where to start
Go to Get started to get an account and create your first app.
Go to Authentication to learn more about the different ways to authenticate requests.
Browse the Tutorials to learn how access different ArcGIS location services.
Authenticate with an API key
Learn how to use an API key to make authenticated requests to location services.
Search for an address
Find an address or place by accessing the Geocoding service.
Find a route and directions
Find a route and directions for an origin and destination by accessing the route service.
Find service areas
Create a service area that can be reached from a location within a drive time with the route service.
Query a feature layer (spatial)
Access and query a hosted feature layer with a geometry and spatial operator.
Get global data
Query demographic information for locations around the world with the GeoEnrichment service.