To make requests to services, you reference packages in the library in your application. These packages provide helpers that allow you to make low-level requests, authenticate users, query, geocode, search for places, route, and access demographic data.
Core package containing request/response processing, authentication helpers and error handling.
- ApiKeyManager
- ApplicationCredentialsManager
- ArcGISAccessDeniedError
- ArcGISAuthError
- ArcGISIdentityManager
- ArcGISJobError
- ArcGISRequestError
- ArcGISTokenRequestError
- Job
- appendCustomParams
- canUseOnlineToken
- checkForErrors
- cleanUrl
- decodeParam
- decodeQueryString
- encodeFormData
- encodeParam
- encodeQueryString
- exchangeToken
- fetchToken
- getDefaultRequestOptions
- getFetch
- getOnlineEnvironment
- isFederated
- isOnline
- normalizeOnlinePortalUrl
- processParams
- request
- requiresFormData
- revokeToken
- setDefaultRequestOptions
- validateAppAccess
- warn
- withOptions
- ArcGISTokenRequestErrorCodes
- ErrorTypes
- IApiKeyOptions
- IAppAccess
- IApplicationCredentialsManagerOptions
- IArc
- IArcGISIdentityManagerOptions
- IAuthenticatedRequestOptions
- IAuthenticationManager
- IBezierCurve
- ICircularArc
- ICredential
- IExtent
- IFeature
- IFeatureSet
- IFetchTokenParams
- IFetchTokenResponse
- IField
- IFromTokenOptions
- IGenerateTokenParams
- IGeometry
- IGroup
- IGroupAdd
- IHasZM
- IJobInfo
- IJobOptions
- ILocation
- IMultipoint
- IOAuth2Options
- IOldCircularArc
- IParamBuilder
- IParams
- IParamsBuilder
- IPoint
- IPolygon
- IPolygonWithCurves
- IPolyline
- IPolylineWithCurves
- IRequestOptions
- IRevokeTokenOptions
- IRevokeTokenResponse
- IServerInfo
- ISignInOptions
- ISpatialReference
- ISubmitJobOptions
- ISymbol
- ITokenRequestOptions
- IUser
- IUserRequestOptions
- Blob
- File
- FormData
- AuthenticationProvider
- DomainType
- ElipticArc
- FieldType
- GeometryType
- GrantTypes
- GroupMembership
- HTTPMethods
- ICodedValue
- IDomain
- IRetryAuthError
- JsonCurve
- Position
- Position2D
- ResponseFormats
- SymbolType
- Units
Provides functions to query and edit features in hosted feature layers.
- addAttachment
- addFeatures
- addToServiceDefinition
- applyEdits
- createFeatureService
- decodeValues
- deleteAttachments
- deleteFeatures
- getAllLayersAndTables
- getAttachments
- getFeature
- getLayer
- getService
- getServiceAdminInfo
- getViewSources
- parseServiceUrl
- queryFeatures
- queryRelated
- updateAttachment
- updateFeatures
- updateServiceDefinition
- IAddAttachmentOptions
- IAddFeaturesOptions
- IAddToServiceDefinitionItemSummary
- IAddToServiceDefinitionOptions
- IAddToServiceDefinitionResult
- IAllLayersAndTablesResponse
- IApplyEditsAddAttachmentOptions
- IApplyEditsAttachmentResult
- IApplyEditsOptions
- IApplyEditsResult
- IApplyEditsUpdateAttachmentOptions
- IAttachmentInfo
- ICreateServiceOptions
- ICreateServiceParams
- ICreateServiceResult
- IDecodeValuesOptions
- IDefinitionEditor
- IDefinitionInput
- IDefinitionParameter
- IDeleteAttachmentsOptions
- IDeleteFeaturesOptions
- IEditFeatureResult
- IEditingInfo
- IExtent
- IFeature
- IFeatureServiceDefinition
- IFeatureSet
- IField
- IFieldFormat
- IFieldInfo
- IGeometry
- IGetAttachmentsOptions
- IGetFeatureOptions
- IGetLayerOptions
- IHasZM
- ILayer
- ILayerDefinition
- IMediaInfo
- IMediaInfoValue
- IOrderByField
- IPopupElement
- IPopupExpressionInfo
- IPopupInfo
- IQueryFeaturesOptions
- IQueryFeaturesResponse
- IQueryRelatedOptions
- IQueryRelatedResponse
- IQueryResponse
- IRelatedRecordGroup
- IRelatedRecordsInfo
- IServiceInfo
- ISharedEditOptions
- ISharedQueryOptions
- ISpatialReference
- IStatisticDefinition
- ITable
- ITemplate
- IUpdateAttachmentOptions
- IUpdateFeaturesOptions
- IUpdateServiceDefinitionOptions
- IUpdateServiceDefinitionResult
- IViewServiceSource
- IViewServiceSources
- FeatureEditTool
- GeometryType
- SpatialRelationship
- Units
A geocoding wrapper for ArcGIS REST JS.
- bulkGeocode
- geocode
- getGeocodeService
- reverseGeocode
- suggest
- IAddressBulk
- IBulkGeocodeOptions
- IBulkGeocodeResponse
- IEndpointOptions
- IExtent
- IGeocodeOptions
- IGeocodeResponse
- IGetGeocodeServiceResponse
- ILocation
- IPoint
- IReverseGeocodeResponse
- ISpatialReference
- ISuggestResponse
A places wrapper for ArcGIS REST JS.
- findPlacesNearPoint
- findPlacesWithinExtent
- getCategories
- getCategory
- getPlaceDetails
- IconOptions
- IFindPlaceWithinExtentOptions
- IFindPlacesNearPointOptions
- IFindPlacesNearPointResponse
- IFindPlacesWithinExtentResponse
- IGetCategoriesOptions
- IGetCategoriesResponse
- IGetCategoryOptions
- IGetCategoryResponse
- IGetPlaceOptions
- IGetPlaceResponse
A routing and directions wrapper for ArcGIS REST JS.
- closestFacility
- decompressGeometry
- isFeatureSet
- isJsonWithURL
- normalizeLocationsList
- originDestinationMatrix
- serviceArea
- solveRoute
- IClosestFacilityOptions
- IClosestFacilityResponse
- IEndpointOptions
- IFeature
- IFeatureSet
- ILocation
- IOriginDestinationMatrixOptions
- IOriginDestinationMatrixResponse
- IPoint
- IPolyline
- IRequestOptions
- IServiceAreaOptions
- IServiceAreaResponse
- ISolveRouteOptions
- ISolveRouteResponse
- Position2D
To access the GeoEnrichment service.
- getAvailableCountries
- getAvailableDataCollections
- getAvailableGeographyLevels
- getGeography
- queryDemographicData
- IApportionmentThreshold
- IBranch
- ICategory
- ICountry
- IDataCollection
- IDataInfo
- IDataset
- IExtent
- IFeatureSet
- IFilter
- IFilteringTag
- IGeographyLevel
- IGeographyLevelHierarchy
- IGetAvailableCountriesOptions
- IGetAvailableCountriesResponse
- IGetAvailableDataCollectionsOptions
- IGetAvailableDataCollectionsResponse
- IGetAvailableGeographyLevelsResponse
- IGetGeographyOptions
- IGetGeographyResponse
- IHierarchy
- ILevel
- ILevelsInfo
- IMetadata
- IQueryDemographicDataOptions
- IQueryDemographicDataResponse
- IRequestOptions
- IVariablesInfo
To access and manage users, group and content an ArcGIS Portal.
- SearchQueryBuilder
- acceptInvitation
- addGroupUsers
- addItemData
- addItemPart
- addItemRelationship
- addItemResource
- bboxToString
- cancelItemUpload
- commitItemUpload
- createFolder
- createGroup
- createGroupNotification
- createItem
- createItemInFolder
- createOrgNotification
- declineInvitation
- determineOwner
- determineUsername
- ensureMembership
- exportItem
- getGroup
- getGroupCategorySchema
- getGroupContent
- getGroupUsers
- getItem
- getItemBaseUrl
- getItemData
- getItemGroups
- getItemInfo
- getItemMetadata
- getItemParts
- getItemResource
- getItemResources
- getItemStatus
- getPortal
- getPortalSettings
- getPortalUrl
- getRelatedItems
- getSelf
- getSharingUrl
- getUniqueServiceName
- getUser
- getUserContent
- getUserInvitation
- getUserInvitations
- getUserMembership
- getUserNotifications
- getUserProperties
- getUserTags
- getUserUrl
- inviteGroupUsers
- isBBox
- isItemOwner
- isItemSharedWithGroup
- isOrgAdmin
- isServiceNameAvailable
- joinGroup
- leaveGroup
- moveItem
- protectGroup
- protectItem
- reassignItem
- removeFolder
- removeGroup
- removeGroupUsers
- removeItem
- removeItemRelationship
- removeItemResource
- removeNotification
- scrubControlChars
- searchCommunityUsers
- searchGroupContent
- searchGroupUsers
- searchGroups
- searchItems
- searchUsers
- setItemAccess
- setUserProperties
- shareItemWithGroup
- unprotectGroup
- unprotectItem
- unshareItemWithGroup
- updateGroup
- updateItem
- updateItemInfo
- updateItemResource
- updateUser
- updateUserMemberships
- IAddFolderResponse
- IAddGroupUsersOptions
- IAddGroupUsersResult
- IAddItemDataOptions
- ICommitItemOptions
- ICreateFolderOptions
- ICreateGroupNotificationOptions
- ICreateGroupOptions
- ICreateItemOptions
- ICreateItemResponse
- ICreateOrgNotificationOptions
- ICreateOrgNotificationResult
- ICreateUpdateItemOptions
- IExportItemRequestOptions
- IExportItemResponse
- IExportLayerInfo
- IExportParameters
- IFolder
- IFolderIdOptions
- IGetGroupContentOptions
- IGetItemGroupsResponse
- IGetItemInfoOptions
- IGetItemPartsResponse
- IGetItemResourceOptions
- IGetItemStatusResponse
- IGetRelatedItemsResponse
- IGetUserInvitationOptions
- IGetUserOptions
- IGetUserTagsResponse
- IGroup
- IGroupAdd
- IGroupCategory
- IGroupCategorySchema
- IGroupContentResult
- IGroupSharingOptions
- IGroupUsersResult
- IInvitation
- IInvitationResult
- IInviteGroupUsersOptions
- IInviteGroupUsersResult
- IItem
- IItemAdd
- IItemDataOptions
- IItemInfoOptions
- IItemInfoResponse
- IItemPartOptions
- IItemRelationshipOptions
- IItemResourceOptions
- IItemResourceResponse
- IItemStatusOptions
- IItemUpdate
- IManageItemRelationshipOptions
- IMoveItemOptions
- IMoveItemResponse
- INotification
- INotificationResult
- IPagedResponse
- IPagingParams
- IPortal
- IPortalSettings
- IRemoveGroupUsersOptions
- IRemoveGroupUsersResult
- IRemoveItemResourceOptions
- IRemoveNotificationOptions
- ISearchGroupContentOptions
- ISearchGroupUsersOptions
- ISearchGroupUsersResult
- ISearchOptions
- ISearchResult
- IServiceNameAvailable
- ISetAccessOptions
- ISharingOptions
- ISharingResponse
- ITagCount
- IUpdateGroupOptions
- IUpdateGroupUsersOptions
- IUpdateGroupUsersResult
- IUpdateItemOptions
- IUpdateItemResponse
- IUpdateUserOptions
- IUpdateUserResponse
- IUser
- IUserContentRequestOptions
- IUserContentResponse
- IUserGroupOptions
- IUserItemOptions
- IUserProperties
- IUserSearchOptions
- FetchReadMethodName
- GroupMembership
- ItemRelationshipType
- NotificationChannelType
- UnixTime
To access and manage API keys and OAuth 2.0 application credentials.
- createApiKey
- createOAuthApp
- getApiKey
- getOAuthApp
- getRegisteredAppInfo
- invalidateApiKey
- registerApp
- slotForKey
- unregisterApp
- updateApiKey
- updateOAuthApp
- IApiKeyInfo
- IApiKeyResponse
- IApp
- ICreateApiKeyOptions
- ICreateOAuthAppOption
- IDeleteApiKeyOption
- IDeleteApiKeyResponse
- IDeleteOAuthAppOption
- IDeleteOAuthAppResponse
- IGetApiKeyOptions
- IGetAppInfoOptions
- IGetOAuthAppOptions
- IInvalidateApiKeyOptions
- IInvalidateApiKeyResponse
- IOAuthApp
- IOAuthAppInfo
- IRegisterAppOptions
- IRegisteredAppResponse
- IUnregisterAppOptions
- IUnregisterAppResponse
- IUpdateApiKeyOptions
- IUpdateOAuthOptions
- AppType
- Privileges