Property | Type | Notes |
{ supportsDistinct?: boolean; supportsOrderBy?: boolean; supportsPagination?: boolean; supportsPercentileStatistics?: boolean; supportsQueryWithDistance?: boolean; supportsReturningQueryExtent?: boolean; supportsSqlExpression?: boolean; supportsStatistics?: boolean; supportsTrueCurve?: boolean } | ||
boolean | Boolean value indicating whether the geometry of the features in the layer can be edited. | |
boolean | ||
{ startArchivingMoment?: number; supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment?: boolean } | ||
string | A comma separated list of supported capabilities, e.g. Query,Editing. | |
string | String value for the copyright text information for the layer. | |
number | Numeric value indicating the server version of the layer. | |
{ respectsDaylightSaving?: boolean; timeZone?: string } | ||
boolean | Boolean value indicating whether the layer's visibility is turned on. | |
Stores interactive filters. | ||
string | SQL-based definition expression string that narrows the data to be displayed in the layer. | |
string | String value of the layer as defined in the map service. | |
string | A string value that summarizes the feature. | |
any | Contains drawing, labeling, and transparency information. | |
{ creationDateField?: string; creatorField?: string; editDateField?: string; editorField?: string } | ||
An object defining the editing info (last edit date). | ||
An object defining the rectangular area. | ||
any | Feature reductions declutter the screen by hiding features that would otherwise intersect with other features on screen. | |
IField[] | An array of field objects containing information about the attribute fields for the feature collection or layer. | |
A string defining the type of geometry. Possible geometry types are: esriGeometryPoint, esriGeometryMultipoint, esriGeometryPolyline, esriGeometryPolygon, and esriGeometryEnvelope. | ||
string | The unique identifier for a feature or table row within a geodatabase. | |
boolean | Indicates whether attachments should be loaded for the layer. | |
hasM inherited | boolean | |
boolean | Boolean value indicating whether data changes. True if it does not. | |
hasZ inherited | boolean | |
"esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone" | "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsURL" | "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText" | String value indicating the HTML popup type. | |
number | The identifier assigned to the layer. | |
any[] | ||
boolean | Boolean value indicating whether the data is versioned. | |
number | Numeric value indicating tbe maximum number of records that will be returned at once for a query. | |
number | Represents the maximum scale at which the layer definition will be applied. This does not apply to layers of type: ArcGISMapServiceLayer, ImageServiceVectorLayer or ImageServiceLayer. | |
number | Represents the minimum scale at which the layer definition will be applied. This does not apply to layers of type: ArcGISMapServiceLayer, ImageServiceVectorLayer or ImageServiceLayer. | |
string | Contains a unique name for the layer that can be displayed in a legend. | |
string | Indicates the name of the object ID field in the dataset. | |
boolean | ||
boolean | Dictates whether a client can support having an end user modify symbols on individual features. | |
boolean | ||
number | ||
any | Indicates range information | |
any[] | ||
any | An object indicating the layerDefinition's layer source. | |
An object containing the WKID or WKT identifying the spatial reference of the layer's geometry. | ||
string | ||
string | String value indicating the output formats that are supported in a query. | |
boolean | Boolean value indicating whether the layer supports orderByFields in a query operation. | |
boolean | ||
boolean | Boolean value indicating whether the layer supports uploading attachments with the Uploads operation. This can then be used in the Add Attachment and Update Attachment operations. | |
boolean | Boolean value indicating whether the layer supports the Calculate REST operation when updating features. | |
boolean | Boolean value indicating whether the layer supports rolling back edits made on a feature layer if some of the edits fail. | |
boolean | Boolean value indicating whether feature layer query operations support statistical functions. | |
boolean | ||
boolean | Boolean value indicating whether the validateSQL operation is supported across a feature service layer. | |
boolean | ||
A property of the layer definition when there are no types defined; otherwise, templates are defined as properties of the types. | ||
any | The time info metadata of the layer. May be set for feature layers inside a feature collection item. | |
"Feature Layer" | "Table" | Indicates whether the layerDefinition applies to a Feature Layer or a Table. | |
string | Contains the name of the field holding the type ID for the features. | |
any | Contains information about an attribute field. | |
boolean | ||
string | String value indicating the attribute field that is used to control the visibility of a feature. If applicable, when rendering a feature the client should use this field to control visibility. The field's values are 0 = do not display, 1 = display. |
advancedQueryCapabilities: { supportsDistinct?: boolean; supportsOrderBy?: boolean; supportsPagination?: boolean; supportsPercentileStatistics?: boolean; supportsQueryWithDistance?: boolean; supportsReturningQueryExtent?: boolean; supportsSqlExpression?: boolean; supportsStatistics?: boolean; supportsTrueCurve?: boolean }
Type declaration
allowGeometryUpdates: boolean
Boolean value indicating whether the geometry of the features in the layer can be edited.
archivingInfo: { startArchivingMoment?: number; supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment?: boolean }
Type declaration
capabilities: string
A comma separated list of supported capabilities, e.g. Query,Editing.
copyrightText: string
String value for the copyright text information for the layer.
currentVersion: number
Numeric value indicating the server version of the layer.
dateFieldsTimeReference: { respectsDaylightSaving?: boolean; timeZone?: string }
Type declaration
defaultVisibility: boolean
Boolean value indicating whether the layer's visibility is turned on.
definitionEditor: IDefinitionEditor
Stores interactive filters.
definitionExpression: string
SQL-based definition expression string that narrows the data to be displayed in the layer.
description: string
String value of the layer as defined in the map service.
displayField: string
A string value that summarizes the feature.
drawingInfo: any
Contains drawing, labeling, and transparency information.
editFieldsInfo: { creationDateField?: string; creatorField?: string; editDateField?: string; editorField?: string }
Type declaration
editingInfo: IEditingInfo
An object defining the editing info (last edit date).
extent: IExtent
An object defining the rectangular area.
featureReduction: any
Feature reductions declutter the screen by hiding features that would otherwise intersect with other features on screen.
fields: IField[]
An array of field objects containing information about the attribute fields for the feature collection or layer.
geometryType: GeometryType
A string defining the type of geometry. Possible geometry types are: esriGeometryPoint, esriGeometryMultipoint, esriGeometryPolyline, esriGeometryPolygon, and esriGeometryEnvelope.
globalIdField: string
The unique identifier for a feature or table row within a geodatabase.
hasAttachments: boolean
Indicates whether attachments should be loaded for the layer.
hasM: boolean
hasStaticData: boolean
Boolean value indicating whether data changes. True if it does not.
hasZ: boolean
htmlPopupType: "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone" | "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsURL" | "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText"
String value indicating the HTML popup type.
isDataVersioned: boolean
Boolean value indicating whether the data is versioned.
maxRecordCount: number
Numeric value indicating tbe maximum number of records that will be returned at once for a query.
maxScale: number
Represents the maximum scale at which the layer definition will be applied. This does not apply to layers of type: ArcGISMapServiceLayer, ImageServiceVectorLayer or ImageServiceLayer.
minScale: number
Represents the minimum scale at which the layer definition will be applied. This does not apply to layers of type: ArcGISMapServiceLayer, ImageServiceVectorLayer or ImageServiceLayer.
name: string
Contains a unique name for the layer that can be displayed in a legend.
objectIdField: string
Indicates the name of the object ID field in the dataset.
onlyAllowTrueCurveUpdatesByTrueCurveClients: boolean
overrideSymbols: boolean
Dictates whether a client can support having an end user modify symbols on individual features.
ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures: boolean
spatialReference: ISpatialReference
An object containing the WKID or WKT identifying the spatial reference of the layer's geometry.
supportedQueryFormats: string
String value indicating the output formats that are supported in a query.
supportsAdvancedQueries: boolean
Boolean value indicating whether the layer supports orderByFields in a query operation.
supportsAttachmentsByUploadId: boolean
Boolean value indicating whether the layer supports uploading attachments with the Uploads operation. This can then be used in the Add Attachment and Update Attachment operations.
supportsCalculate: boolean
Boolean value indicating whether the layer supports the Calculate REST operation when updating features.
supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter: boolean
Boolean value indicating whether the layer supports rolling back edits made on a feature layer if some of the edits fail.
supportsStatistics: boolean
Boolean value indicating whether feature layer query operations support statistical functions.
supportsValidateSql: boolean
Boolean value indicating whether the validateSQL operation is supported across a feature service layer.
templates: ITemplate[]
A property of the layer definition when there are no types defined; otherwise, templates are defined as properties of the types.
timeInfo: any
The time info metadata of the layer. May be set for feature layers inside a feature collection item.
type: "Feature Layer" | "Table"
Indicates whether the layerDefinition applies to a Feature Layer or a Table.
typeIdField: string
Contains the name of the field holding the type ID for the features.
visibilityField: string
String value indicating the attribute field that is used to control the visibility of a feature. If applicable, when rendering a feature the client should use this field to control visibility. The field's values are 0 = do not display, 1 = display.