Property | Type | Notes |
string | Field on which to perform the statistical operation. | |
string | Field name for the returned statistic field. If outStatisticFieldName is empty or missing, the server will assign one. A valid field name can only contain alphanumeric characters and an underscore. If the outStatisticFieldName is a reserved keyword of the underlying DBMS, the operation can fail. Try specifying an alternative outStatisticFieldName. | |
{ orderBy?: "asc" | "desc"; value: number } | Parameters to be used along with statisticType. Currently, only applicable for percentile_cont (continuous percentile) and percentile_disc (discrete percentile). | |
"count" | "sum" | "min" | "max" | "avg" | "stddev" | "var" | "percentile_cont" | "percentile_disc" | "EnvelopeAggregate" | "CentroidAggregate" | "ConvexHullAggregate" | Statistical operation to perform (count, sum, min, max, avg, stddev, var, percentile_cont, percentile_disc, EnvelopeAggregate, CentroidAggregate, ConvexHullAggregate). |
Interface PropertyonStatisticField: string
Field on which to perform the statistical operation.
outStatisticFieldName: string
Field name for the returned statistic field. If outStatisticFieldName is empty or missing, the server will assign one. A valid field name can only contain alphanumeric characters and an underscore. If the outStatisticFieldName is a reserved keyword of the underlying DBMS, the operation can fail. Try specifying an alternative outStatisticFieldName.
statisticParameters: { orderBy?: "asc" | "desc"; value: number }
Parameters to be used along with statisticType. Currently, only applicable for percentile_cont (continuous percentile) and percentile_disc (discrete percentile).
Type declaration
Interface PropertystatisticType: "count" | "sum" | "min" | "max" | "avg" | "stddev" | "var" | "percentile_cont" | "percentile_disc" | "EnvelopeAggregate" | "CentroidAggregate" | "ConvexHullAggregate"
Statistical operation to perform (count, sum, min, max, avg, stddev, var, percentile_cont, percentile_disc, EnvelopeAggregate, CentroidAggregate, ConvexHullAggregate).