Release notes June 2023

Learn about recent changes to the ArcGIS Urban API. The release date is June 28, 2023.

What's new

This section provides a summary of the most important changes in this release.

  • Meta fields containing general information for UrbanModels and UrbanDesignDatabases have been added.
  • Metric values for projects are now stored directly in the project scenario (projects.branches.metricValues) instead of the attributes of a project scenario (projects.branches.attributes.metricValues).

Schema changes

This section describes new features, improvements, and changes made to the Urban API schema.

Meta fields were added for UrbanModels and UrbanDesignDatabases:

Metric values were added to ProjectBranch:

The spatialReference field on UrbanModels and UrbanDesignDatabases types was set to non-null:

A geometryFilter was added to UrbanDatabase.metricValues:

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the extent of newly created design database was not set correctly (only design feature services created since the February 2023 release were affected by this issue). As a result, those design databases might not be returned correctly when filtered by the extent. As a workaround, define the content extent of the corresponding hosted feature layer on ArcGIS Online and try again. See Define content extent for details.
  • Fixed a bug where an invalid wkid was returned for the spatialReference field of the MaskingGeometry. The Urban API returned both the deprecated wkid:102100 and official wkid:3875 for the Web Mercator projection. Now only the official wkid:3857 is returned for the Web Mercator projection.
  • Fixed incorrect default value stored in the OwnerName field during an update.
  • Fixed a bug where a stringified null value was stored for Tiers and Skyplanes instead of the actual null.
  • Improved error messages for invalid Tiers input values.


MetricValues fields in the BranchAttributes and SpaceAttributes have been deprecated:

  • Field BranchAttributes.MetricValues is deprecated (Removal date: 2024-06-26). No longer supported. Use the metricValues field on the plan or project branch (scenario).
  • Field SpaceAttributes.MetricValues is deprecated (Removal date: 2024-06-25). No longer supported. Use the metricValues field on the plan or project branch (scenario).
  • Field MetricValue.metric is deprecated (Removal date: 2024-06-26). No longer supported. To resolve the metric id, use the metrics stored for the urban model or plan.

The following deprecations have been removed:

  • Field BranchAttributes.Locked is no longer deprecated

Breaking changes

The following previously deprecated fields have been removed.

NetAreaFactor has been removed from Spaces:

  • Field NetAreaFactor (deprecated) was removed from object type SpaceAttributes
    • Input field NetAreaFactor was removed from input object type CreateSpaceAttributesInput
    • Input field NetAreaFactor was removed from input object type UpdateSpaceAttributesInput

Tiers and Skyplanes have been removed from FieldsConfig:

  • Field Skyplanes (deprecated) was removed from object type FieldsConfig
    • Input field Skyplanes was removed from input object type FieldsConfigInput
    • Type Skyplanes was removed
    • Type SkyplanesInput was removed
    • Type OverlayTypeMethodSkyplanes was removed
  • Field Tiers (deprecated) was removed from object type FieldsConfig
    • Input field Tiers was removed from input object type FieldsConfigInput
    • Type Tiers was removed
    • Type TiersInput was removed
    • Type OverlayTypeMethodTiers was removed

The None enum option has been removed from OverlayTypeMethod:

  • Enum value None (deprecated) was removed from enum OverlayTypeMethod

Upcoming breaking changes

See the February 2023 release notes for upcoming breaking changes.

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