
Links are actions that can be used to navigate or perform tasks.


As a basic action, Links can be useful when a Button or FAB would be too prominent. Links are great as inline actions in a sentence.

From the user experience perspective there is a difference between a Link and Button. Buttons should be used when you are performing tasks such as: "Create new", "Submit", "Upload", etc. Link usage should be based on navigating to another place, such as: "Explore data", "Profile settings", "Subscribe to our newsletter", etc.


  • A basic navigable element
  • A tertiary-level action in a group of actions
  • An inline action in a sentence



Use unique Link text to provide a purpose to assistive technologies and a larger audience. Avoid Link text such as "Click here" or "Learn more", which can be confusing to assistive technologies and users that are not provided with proper context.

Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
<calcite-link href="">
  Get started with Calcite

Opens in a new window or tab

It is strongly recommended to provide users with guidance when a Link opens in a new window or tab in support of WCAG's Success Criterion's 3.2.1: On Focus and 3.2.2: On Input. Both success criteria are defined as level A conformance, or the minimum level of conformance.

To communicate the guidance to users, provide context with Link's default slot when it opens in a new window or tab.

Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
<calcite-link href="" target="_blank">
  Calcite Design System (opens in a new window)

Keyboard navigation

EnterPresses the component.
TabMoves focus in and out of the component.
Tab and ShiftMoves focus in and out of the component.

Writing and copy

Correct Link writing
Do use Links inline within sentences.
Avoid Link writing
Avoid making entire sentences Links.

API reference





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