
List organizes list items, grouped items, and their actions.


Lists can group List Items with List Groups, and leverage slots to include actionable or supplemental elements, such as Actions and Icons. Lists and List Items can support selection workflows using selectionMode and accommodate filtering with filterEnabled.


  • Format a series of line items
  • Grouping line items



Keyboard navigation

Arrow downNavigates to the next calcite-list-item.
Arrow upNavigates to the previous calcite-list-item.
Arrow rightNavigates to the next focusable slotted content in the calcite-list-item. If focused on a calcite-list-item with nested calcite-list-items, will expand the nested calcite-list-items.
Arrow leftNavigates to the previous focusable slotted content in the calcite-list-item. If focused on a calcite-list-item with nested calcite-list-items, will collapse the nested calcite-list-items.
HomeNavigates to the first calcite-list-item.
EndNavigates to the last calcite-list-item.
TabNavigates to the next calcite-list-item child calcite-action. If the currently focused calcite-action is the last item, the focus will leave the component.
Tab and ShiftNavigates to the next calcite-list-item child calcite-action. If the currently focused calcite-action is the last item, the focus will leave the component.
SpaceWhen the component is dragEnabled and a calcite-list-item's move handle is focused, enables moving the item's placement using the Arrow down and Arrow up keys.

API reference






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