
Table and related components Table Row, Table Header, and Table Cell provide a way to organize and present tabular data or content.


Table should be used to present tabular data, content, or information to a user.


  • Display tabular data to a user
  • Organize content by row and column


Best Practices

Table is an effective way of organizing complex data and content that may have many dimensions. For less complex displays of content collections that do not require row and column relationships, consider List.


It is important to slot Table Rows into the appropriate "table-header" or "table-footer" slot. Doing so ensures assistive technologies can accurately associate cells and their related context. While the "table-header" and "table-footer" slots are not required, Table Rows should be slotted appropriately when used.

Selection modes

Table offers "single" and "multiple" selectionMode values in addition to the default of "none". When enabled, Table displays the current number of selected Table Rows to a user, along with an affordance to clear their selection.

When selectionMode is not "none", the "selection-actions" slot will display alongside the provided selection interface. When used with pageSize, selected rows that are no longer in view will be indicated to a user.

Do use selectionMode when there are associated actions or workflows.
Do use selectionMode when displaying Table Rows that represent selectable entities a user may take action on.
Avoid using selectionMode when there are no associated user interactions.
Avoid using selectionMode with complex rowSpan and colSpan configurations.

Selection displays

When selectionMode is not "none", and selectionDisplay is "top" (the default configuration) - the Table component provides visual affordances for selection count and clearing selection to the user. When in this default display, the selection-actions slot can be useful to populate with related contextual actions.

There are times when this selectionDisplay and associated content slot may not be desirable; when applicable, the selectionDisplay property can be set to "none". This configuration can be useful where the selection count and clear selection affordances are not needed, such as when Tables contain a known and small number of rows, or when an interface should not allow a user to clear a selection. It can also facilitate the creation of alternative or unique selection interfaces for specific use cases.


Enable pagination by providing a pageSize. When enabled, Table Rows slotted into the "table-header" or "table-footer" slot will remain visible to a user, while Table Rows slotted into the default slot are paginated.

When used with selectionMode other than "none", selected rows that are no longer in view will be indicated to a user.

Do use pageSize when there may be a large or overwhelming number of Table Rows.
Do use a pageSize of reasonable length.
Avoid using pageSize when there is an expectedly low number of Table Rows.
Avoid using an overly large pageSize value.
The component offers an option for built-in pagination. However, at this time it does not provide lazy loading or virtualization. Calcite hopes to add more methods of providing data to the component in the future.


Keyboard navigation

Arrow downNavigates to a calcite-table-cell or calcite-table-header in the next calcite-table-row.
Arrow upNavigates to a calcite-table-cell or calcite-table-header in the previous calcite-table-row.
Page UpNavigates to a calcite-table-cell or calcite-table-header in the first visible calcite-table-row.
Page DownNavigates to a calcite-table-cell or calcite-table-header in the last visible calcite-table-row.
HomeNavigates to the first calcite-table-cell or calcite-table-header in the current calcite-table-row.
EndNavigates to the last calcite-table-cell or calcite-table-header in the current calcite-table-row.
Control and HomeNavigates to the first calcite-table-cell or calcite-table-header in the first calcite-table-row.
Control and EndNavigates to the last calcite-table-cell or calcite-table-header in the last calcite-table-row.

API reference





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