Tile Group

Tile Group can be used to organize multiple Tile components within a layout.


Tile Group supports workflows and patterns using more than one Tile. Tiles within the Tile Group are navigable via keyboard are grouped visually. Through the use of opt-in selection modes, Tile Group can facilitate interactive workflows with Tiles.


  • Selection workflows
  • Filtering patterns
  • Primary navigational actions
  • Representing a known, small quantity of items


Best Practices

While similar to the Card Group, a Tile Group has distinct capabilities and intended use cases.

Tile Groups most often contain a known quantity of Tiles, whereas Card Groups can be comprised of a variable quantity of Cards.


Keyboard navigation

TabWhen a calcite-tile is focused, moves focus to next calcite-tile If the current focus is the last calcite-tile, focus will leave the component.
Tab and ShiftWhen a calcite-tile is focused, moves focus to the previous calcite-tile. If the current focus is the first calcite-tile, focus will leave the component.
Arrow leftWhen a calcite-tile is focused, moves focus to the previous calcite-tile. If the current focus is the first calcite-tile, focus will return to the last calcite-tile.
Arrow rightWhen a calcite-tile is focused, moves focus to the next calcite-tile. If the current focus is the last calcite-tile, focus will return to the first calcite-tile.
SpaceWhen a calcite-tile is focused, when selectionMode is not "none", selects the focused calcite-tile.
EnterWhen a calcite-tile is focused, when selectionMode is not "none", selects the focused calcite-tile.
HomeWhen a calcite-tile is focused, moves focus to the component's first calcite-tile.
EndWhen a calcite-tile is focused, moves focus to the component's last calcite-tile.

API reference





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