GeoEnrichment service

A GeoEnrichment service is a service that aggregates demographic data and local facts for locations around the world. It is used to provide insight about the people and places near a location. The service provides over 15,000 data variables (data fields) with coverage for more than 130 countries and regions. An access token is required to use the service.

There are two types of GeoEnrichment services:

  1. The ArcGIS GeoEnrichment service: A location service hosted by Esri for developers who have an ArcGIS Location Platform account or ArcGIS Online account.

  2. ArcGIS Enterprise GeoEnrichment service: A service you can host in your own infrastructure with ArcGIS Enterprise with Business Analyst Enterprise. The service is available to developers who have an ArcGIS Enterprise account associated with the organization.

Learn more in the developer guide

Also known as

  • Data enrichment service

Related terms

  • location services

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