location services

Location services, also known as ArcGIS Location Services, are services with geospatial functionality and data hosted by Esri for developers. They include the ArcGIS Basemap Styles service, ArcGIS Places service, ArcGIS Geocoding service, ArcGIS Routing service, and ArcGIS GeoEnrichment service. All service operations and parameters are defined by the ArcGIS REST APIs. Some services support both standard endpoint and enhanced endpoints. An access token is required to use the services.

Location services are available to developers who have an ArcGIS Location Platform account or ArcGIS Online account.

Location services are not available to developers who have an ArcGIS Enterprise account.

Learn more in the developer guide

Also known as

  • ArcGIS Location Services

Related terms

  • basemap styles service
  • places service
  • geocoding service
  • routing service
  • GeoEnrichment service

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