offline data

Offline data is data that is generated and downloaded from a data service for use in offline applications. Offline data is used by partially offline apps built with ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Native Apps as it requires a network connection to perform the initial download. Offline data can be downloaded from the following data services:

  • Feature service as a geodatabase file (.geodatabase). This type of offline data is called feature data.
  • Vector tile service as a vector tile package file (.vtpk). This type of offline data is called tile data.
  • Map tile service as a map tile package file (.tpk). This type of offline data is called tile data.

Offline data from a feature service, or feature data, can include spatial data, non-spatial data, and attachments. Edits made into offline data can be synchronized with the source feature service whenever a network connection is available.

Offline data

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