
An organization is the administrative and management component of a portal that contains a list of the organization's members, product subscription and ID, available user types and licenses, service and data usage, and the portal site administration settings. To join an organization for a portal, individuals must be invited or approved by the administrator. When an individual is approved, they are assigned an ArcGIS account and become a member. The organization administrator's responsibilities are to manage the subscription, control user types and privileges, add and remove members, and configure the overall portal site settings.

There are two types of organizations:

Single-user organization: A single-user organization only supports one member and is available to developers who sign up for ArcGIS Location Platform. The developer is the administrator and the only member of the organization. No other members can be added. The portal for the organization is hosted in Esri's infrastructure.

Multi-user organization: A multi-user organization can contain many members and is available to users/developers who sign up for ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise (with Portal for ArcGIS). The administrator controls who can join the organization and what role they have. The number of members the organization supports is determined by the subscription's user limit (ArcGIS Online only). The portal for an ArcGIS Online organization is hosted in Esri's infrastructure while the portal for ArcGIS Enterprise is hosted in your own infrastructure.

Learn more in the developer guide

Also known as

  • organization

Related terms

  • member
  • user
  • privileges
  • developer credentials
  • portal
  • portal service
  • ArcGIS account
  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Enterprise
  • ArcGIS Location Platform
  • ArcGIS subscription

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