portal service

A portal service provides the functionality to securely create, access, and manage content, data services, users, and groups in a portal. Every portal has a unique instance of the portal service. It can be hosted in Esri's infrastructure or ArcGIS Enterprise. The portal service functions as a directory service that organizes and provides access to items, data services, files, users, and groups. It provides secure access to all resources and supports API key authentication, user authentication, and app authentication. The portal service can be accessed with ArcGIS tools, applications, and client APIs. An access token is required to use the service.

There are two types of portal services:

  1. ArcGIS Location Platform and ArcGIS Online services: A portal service created and hosted in Esri's infrastructure when a new user signs up for ArcGIS Location Platform or ArcGIS Online. The service is available to developers who have an ArcGIS Location Platform account or ArcGIS Online account associated with the organization.

  2. ArcGIS Enterprise portal services: A portal service you can host in your own infrastructure with ArcGIS Enterprise and Portal for ArcGIS. The service is available to developers who have an ArcGIS Enterprise account associated with the organization.

Learn more in the developer guide

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