ArcGIS location service endpoints

ArcGIS location services support different URL endpoints. The endpoint you use to build applications depends on the service functionality required, security certification level desired, and the geographic region the application will run in.

This section provides information about the different types of endpoints, their capabilities, and when to use them.

Types of endpoints

ArcGIS location services provide standard endpoints and enhanced endpoints. The base URLs are unique for each, but the input parameters and output values are the same. Therefore, you use the services the same way in your applications.

1. Standard endpoint

Standard endpoints are hosted in a global cloud infrastructure, including the United States. The services are high-performance and optimized to use cloud resources closest to your geographic region.

The following services support standard endpoints:

Basemap styles service
Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
Geocoding service
Use dark colors for code blocksCopy

2. Enhanced endpoint

Enhanced endpoints are hosted in a cloud infrastructure in the United States. The services are high performance and provide more functionality than standard services and offer specific regulatory compliance.

Some enhanced endpoints also support long server-side transactions known as job requests. This provides the ability to execute and easily manage the processing of large amounts of data and computationally intensive operations. Some examples include batch geocoding, fleet routing, and location-allocation.

Enhanced services also support different levels of regulatory compliance such as Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) and Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP). The geocoding service is also Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPAA compliant when geocoding against addresses in the United States. For full list of services and compliance levels, see Regulatory compliance.

Learn more about security, privacy, and compliance information at ArcGIS Trust Center.

The following services support enhanced endpoints:

Basemap styles service
Data services
Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
Geocoding service
Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
Routing service
Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
GeoEnrichment service
Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
Portal service
Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
Spatial analysis service
Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
Geometry service
Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
Elevation service
Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
Hydrology service
Use dark colors for code blocksCopy

Choosing an endpoint

For all application development, it is recommended to use standard endpoints first and then enhanced endpoints for any additional functionality required or if a higher level of security compliance is required.

To choose the best endpoint to use, consider the following:

  1. The functionality required. Standard services are limited to the basemap styles service, geocoding service, and some routing service functionality.
  2. The level of regulatory compliance required. For example, FedRAMP compliance.
  3. The geographic region (global vs. United States) from which the services will be accessed.

Functionality and availability

The following standard and enhanced endpoints are available for ArcGIS location services:

Standard endpointEnhanced endpoint
Basemap styles service1
Geocoding service2
Routing service
GeoEnrichment service
Spatial analysis service
Portal service
Feature layer service
Image tile service
Vector tile service
Full supportPartial supportNo support
  • 1. Contact Esri for details about using the enhanced endpoint.
  • 2. Batch geocoding is not supported.

Regulatory compliance

Below is a list of services with enhanced endpoints and the level of regulatory compliance supported.

Basemap styles service1
Geocoding service2
Routing service
GeoEnrichment service
Spatial analysis service
Portal service
Feature layer service
Image tile service
Vector tile service
Traffic service
Full supportPartial supportNo support
  • 1. Only for vector tile layers. Not supported for image tile layers.
  • 2. Only for addresses and places within the United States.

General comparison

Below is a list of the characteristics for each type of endpoint.

Standard endpointEnhanced endpoint
API keys
OAuth 2.0
Unique URL endpoints
Direct requests
Job requests
Hosted globally
Hosted in the United States
FISMA compliant
FedRAMP compliant
HIPAA compliant1
ArcGIS Location Platform account
ArcGIS Online account
Full supportPartial supportNo support
  • 1. Only the geocoding service.

Accessing endpoints

To access ArcGIS location service endpoints you need an ArcGIS account and to authenticate each request.


You need an ArcGIS Location Platform account or ArcGIS Online account to access both standard and enhanced endpoints. Both accounts can be used and there are no restrictions. The only difference between using different accounts is how you are billed:


To authenticate requests to standard and enhanced endpoints, you need an access token. You can use an API key or OAuth 2.0. When using an API key, the key must be scoped to access the appropriate location service.

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