
Tools are ArcGIS software applications that you can use to prepare maps and data for custom applications you are building.

ArcGIS portal

A portal contains web-based applications and tools that can create, manage, share, and analyze geospatial content and data. Use your portal to create developer credentials, create web maps and hosted layers, create custom basemap styles, perform feature and raster analyses, import data and files, and create data services for your applications. Learn more about a portal's capabilities at Introduction to portals.



Content, data, and analysis

ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro is a desktop GIS application with tools to create, manage, and analyze 2D and 3D maps and geospatial data. Use the application to create maps and layers, create and manage content in a portal, run geoprocessing tasks, perform feature and raster analyses, import data and files, and create data services for your applications. Learn more about ArcGIS Pro's capabilities at Introduction to ArcGIS Pro.


Content, data, and analysis

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