How to work with image services

To start using image services, you first need to pepare your input data then select the capabilites you want the image service to support. Once you have the determined the functionality, you use data management tools to publish a hosted imagery layer (item) and image service. This process is known as publishing a imagery layer. After an image service is created, you can use the hosted imagery layer to manage the layer and the service settings.

The steps to create and use an image service are:

  1. Prepare your input source data.
  2. Select the output data that you would like the image service to provide.
  3. Create an imagery layer in a image service by uploading your raster data .
  4. Manage the hosted imagery layer (item) and service properties and configure the sharing level.
  5. Access the image service and display the service data.
Data hosting
Process to create, manage, and access a hosted image service.


API support

Use data management tools or Client APIs to create, manage, and access data services. The table below outlines the level of support for each API.

ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript1
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Kotlin1
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Swift1
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java1
ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET1
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt1
ArcGIS API for Python
Esri Leaflet2
MapLibre GL JS23
Full supportPartial supportNo support
  • 1. Use portal class and direct REST API requests
  • 2. Access via ArcGIS REST JS
  • 3. Requires manually setting styles for renderers


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