Python notebook samples

A collection of publicly available Python imagery samples in Notebooks on ArcGIS Online.

The Python notebook samples gallery is a collection of sample notebooks provided by Esri that showcases how to work with imagery data using the ArcGIS API for Python. These notebooks demonstrate various workflows and tasks, such as creating, analyzing, and managing imagery data, in both ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise.

The code in these notebooks can also be run as standalone scripts providing the flexibility for use in other workflows. Notebooks offers a convenient way to explore and run these examples making it easier to understand and implement imagery-related functionality.

These sample notebooks show how to perform helpful imagery-related tasks such as:

How to work with Python notebook samples

The general steps to use the notebooks are:

1. Find a sample notebook

To get started, sign in and open a notebook.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS portal.
  2. Click this link to go to the Python notebooks for imagery tasks public group.
  3. Choose a sample notebook. This will open the item details page for the selected notebook.
  4. If you want to preview a sample notebook, click Preview.
  5. Click Open notebook to access the sample notebook.
Imagery Team Notebooks group

2. Run the code

Select the cell and run the sample.

  1. Click Cell > Run cells to run the sample notebook code.

  2. You can also add your own Python code in the cells of the notebook.

    Use Python libraries such as ArcGIS API for Python or ArcPy to perform geospatial analyses like hot spot detection or raster analysis.


3. Share your notebook

You can share your completed notebook with other users in your organization, giving them the ability to view and run it. They can also save a copy for their own use.

  1. Click Share menu to launch the Share notebook panel.
  2. Click Share button to set the sharing level for your notebook.

Example notebooks

Below are selected imagery-related notebooks you can find in the Imagery Team Notebooks group in ArcGIS Online.

Create imagery layers

The Create Imagery Layer with ArcGIS Online notebook shows how to create various types of imagery layers in ArcGIS Online using raster analysis tools. The notebook contains key imagery creation workflows such as:

  • Combine multiple images into a hosted tiled imagery layer for efficient storage and display.
  • Create a dynamic imagery layer from multiple input images, enabling real-time visualization and analysis.
  • Work with scientific raster data that incorporates vector field information for advanced analysis.
  • Build mosaic datasets by combining multiple input images into a single, seamless layer.

Below is a preview of the notebook sample code that show how to create an imagery layer from an image collection.

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Manage imagery layers

The Manage Imagery Layer with ArcGIS Online notebook shows how to use raster analysis tools and ArcGIS API for Python to modify and manage imagery layers in ArcGIS Online. It provides step-by-step instructions on tasks such as:

  • Upload new images to an existing hosted imagery layer.
  • Remove unwanted or outdated images from a hosted imagery layer.
  • Create overviews to improve performance and display for large imagery datasets.
  • Build or update footprints for a hosted imagery layer to enhance data accuracy and visualization.

Below is a preview of the notebook sample code that shows how to managed an existing imagery layer.

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Visualize imagery layers

The Visualization of Imagery Layers notebook shows how to use the ArcGIS API for Python to visualize imagery layers in ArcGIS Online. The notebook provides examples for various visualization tasks such as:

  • Render imagery layers for basic visualization and exploration.
  • Use raster functions to enable on-the-fly rendering and enhance the display of imagery layers.
  • Explore specific slices from multidimensional imagery layers.
  • Apply filters to multidimensional imagery layers and visualize the results based on specific criteria.

Below is a preview of the notebook sample code that shows how to display an imagery layer.

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Create imagery layer from external source

The Create Imagery Layer from Microsoft Planetary Computer notebook shows how to transfer public imagery catalog data from sources like Microsoft Planetary Computer Data Catalog to ArcGIS Online. The notebook shows examples of retrieving, transferring, and creating imagery layers tasks such as:

  • Access and import public imagery catalogs seamlessly into ArcGIS Online.
  • Create tiled imagery layers and dynamic imagery layers from public data sources.
  • Transferring and visualizing external imagery data.

Below is a preview of the notebook sample code that shows how to connect to an external imagery repository and create imagery layers from that data source.

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