Tutorial: Create a dynamic imagery layer

Learn how to create a dynamic imagery layer image service using your own imagery data in both ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise.


Dynamic imagery layers consists of one or more images that enable real-time processing for custom map visualizations. You can query, analyze, and visualize data on-the-fly in these layers using Map Viewer. Dynamic imagery layers are ideal for spatial analysis operations, time-based queries, or visual customization of geospatial data.

In this tutorial, you will use data management tools to upload your imagery files and create an image service.


  • Before you begin, you need an ArcGIS account for ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise.

  • Optional: Your own collection of raster data (e.g., satellite imagery, drone imagery, or aerial photography)


Download the data

For this step, you will use the North Carolina imagery data. The imagery was downloaded from the NOAA Data Access Viewer.

  1. In your web browser, go to the North Carolina Public Imagery item.
  2. Click Download to download the zip file locally.
  3. Unzip this file on your machine.

Sign in


In this step, you will sign in to your portal and create an Imagery layer item type.

  1. Sign in to your portal's organization.
  2. Click Content > New item > Imagery layer.

Get started


In this step, you will select Dynamic Imagery Layer to create a dynamic imagery layer from multiple image files. The Source image files wil be converted to Cloud Raster Format (CRF) when uploaded to your portal's organization.

  1. Choose Dynamic Imagery Layer.
  2. Click Next.

Configure the layer


In this step, you will create a mosaciked image for your image service. This will allow you to add multiple images to the service.

  1. Choose One Mosaicked Image.
  2. Click Next.

Define imagery


In this step, you will define a raster type and upload your imagery.

  1. Choose Raster Dataset.
  2. Click Browse to select the North Carolina images stored on your machine.
  3. Click Next.

Set item details


In this step, you will set the details of the image service.

  1. Set the item details for your image service:
    • Title: Give your image service a descriptive title.
    • Tags: Add relevant keywords for easy discovery.
    • Summary: Provide a brief description of the imagery.
    • Save in folder: Provide a location for your service.

Publish the Service

  1. Review all settings and configurations.
  2. Click Create to create your image service.

Once the dynamic imagery layer is created, you will be navigated to the item details page of the service allowing you to enter additional information. You can also click on the Map Viewer or Scene Viewer in the item details page to view your image service.

Create tile imagery layer

As an optional step, you can create a tiled imagery layer from your newly created dynamic imagery layer image service.

  1. In the items detail page, click Publish > Tiled Imagery Layer.
  2. Enter the item details for the new tiled imagery layer.
  3. Click OK.

Once the new tiled imagery layer is created, you will be navigated to the item details page of the service allowing you to enter additional information.

What's next

Create a tiled imagery layer

Use data management tools to create a tiled imagery layer image service.

Create a vector tile service

Use data management tools to create a new vector tile service from a feature service.

Create a map tile service

Use ArcGIS Online or scripting APIs to publish a map tile service.

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