
An object for formatting numbers in a user-defined format.


CustomNumberFormatis an ICustomNumberFormatinterface coclass whose members determine how the ValueToString method in the associated INumberFormatinterface formats numbers. Define your own customized format using the FormatString property.

The custom-number-format object and its default interface allow numeric values to be formatted as strings. It works by pattern matching and allows conversions, such as changing ValueToString(12345678.9) to �12,345,678.90 dollars�.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux


Interfaces Description
IClone Provides access to members that control cloning of objects.
ICustomNumberFormat Provides access to members that format numbers in a customizable way.
INumberFormat Provides access to members that format numbers.
INumberFormatOperations Provides access to common operations on formatted numbers.

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