The DataSourcesRaster library contains the workspace factories and workspaces for file based raster data formats.
Interface | Description |
IAddNewerRastersParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters for adding newer rasters to a mosaic dataset. |
IAddRastersParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters for adding rasters to a mosaic dataset. |
IAdjustXform | Provides access to members that control an adjustment (rubber sheeting) transform. |
IAggregationDefinition | Provides access to members that control an aggregation definition. |
IAggregationDefinition2 | Provides access to members that control an aggregation definition. |
IAISClientObjectX | IAISClientObject Interface |
IAISImageServerManager | Server Manager Interface |
IAISImageService2X | IAISImageService2X Interface |
IAISImageService3X | IAISImageService3X Interface |
IAISImageServiceX | IAISImageService Interface |
IAnalyzeParameters | Provides access to members that control how a mosaic dataset is analyzed. |
IAngularMeasurement | Angular measurement and its associated uncertainty information. |
IApplanixBuilder | Provides access to members that control the applanix builder |
IApproximationXform | Provides access to members that control transformation approximation. |
IArgStatisticsFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control ArgStatisticsFunction arguments. |
IArgStatisticsFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control ArgStatisticsFunction arguments. |
IArithmeticFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control arithmetic function arguments. |
IArithmeticFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to additional members that control arithmetic function arguments. |
IArrayCrawler | Provides access to members that control an array crawler. |
IBackgroundFilter | Provides access to members that control a background filter. |
IBandArithmeticFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control Band Arithmetic function arguments. |
IBasicImageView | Provides access to members that control an image view associated with a mosaic dataset. |
IBasicRasterSdeConnection | Provides access to members that control the RasterSDE connection. |
IBinFunction | Provides access to members that control a raster histogram bin function. |
IBinFunction2 | Provides access to members that control a raster histogram bin function. |
IBuildBoundaryParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters for building the boundary of a mosaic dataset. |
IBuildBoundaryParameters2 | Provides access to members that control parameters for building the boundary of a mosaic dataset. |
IBuilderItem | Provides access to members that control a builder item. |
IBuilderItem2 | Provides access to members that control a builder item. |
IBuilderItem3 | Provides access to members that control a builder item. |
IBuildFootprintsByGeometryParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters to the build footprints by Geometry operation. |
IBuildFootprintsByRadiometryParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters to the build footprints by Radiometry operation. |
IBuildFootprintsByRadiometryParameters2 | Provides access to members that control parameters to the build footprints operation. |
IBuildFootprintsByShrinkingParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters to the build footprints by shrinking operation. |
IBuildFootprintsParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters to the build footprints operation. |
IBuildFootprintsParameters2 | Provides access to members that control parameters to the build footprints operation. |
IBuildMultidimensionalInfoParameters | Parameters that control how the multidimensional information of a mosaic dataset is built. |
IBuildPyramidsParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters for building pyramids of a mosaic dataset. |
IBuildPyramidsParameters2 | Provides access to members that control parameters for building pyramids of a mosaic dataset. |
IBuildSeamlinesParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters to the build seamlines operation. |
IBuildSeamlinesParameters2 | Provides access to members that control parameters to the build seamlines operation. |
IBuildSeamlinesParameters3 | Provides access to members that control parameters to the build seamlines operation. |
IBuildSeamlinesParameters4 | Provides access to members that control parameters to the build seamlines operation. |
IBuildSeamlinesParameters5 | Provides access to members that control parameters to the build seamlines operation. |
ICachedRasterFunction | Provides access to members that control a cached raster function. |
ICachedRasterFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control cached (item cache) function arguments. |
ICalculateCellSizeRangesParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters for computing cell size ranges in a mosaic dataset. |
ICalculateStatisticsParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters for calculating statistics of a mosaic dataset. |
ICancelListener | Provides access to members that control a raster cancel listener. |
ICellSizeLevel | Provides access to members that control a cell size level. |
ICellSizeLevel2 | Provides access to members that control a cell size level. |
ICellSizeLevels | Provides access to members that control cell size levels. |
IClassifyFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control Classify function arguments. |
IClipFilter | Provides access to members that control a clipping filter. |
IClipFilter2 | Provides access to additional members that control a clipping filter. |
IClipFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control raster clipping function arguments. |
IClipFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control raster clipping function arguments. |
IColormapFilter | Provides access to members that control a colormap filter. |
IColormapFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control colormap function arguments. |
IColorspaceConversionFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control colorspace conversion function arguments. |
IComplexFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control Complex function arguments. |
ICompositeBandFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control composite function arguments. |
ICompositeItemURI | Provides access to members that control a composite item URI. |
ICompositeURIFilter | Provides access to members that control a composite URI filter. |
ICompositeXform | Provides access to members that control a collection of geodata transform. |
ICompositeXform2 | Provides access to members that control a collection of geodata transform. |
IComputeChangeFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control Compute Change function arguments. |
IComputeChangeFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control Compute Change function arguments. |
IComputeChangeFunctionArguments3 | Provides access to members that control Compute Change function arguments. |
IComputeDirtyAreaParameters | Provides access to members that control how a mosaic dataset's dirty area is computed. |
IComputePixelAlignmentParameters | Provides access to members that control how pixel alignment of selected mosaic dataset items is computed. |
IConstantFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control constant function arguments. |
IConstantFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control constant function arguments. |
IContourFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control contour function arguments. |
IContrastBrightnessFunctionArguments | Adjusts brightness and contrast of a raster. |
IContrastTable | Provides access to members that control a contrast table. |
IConvolutionFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control a kernel-based convolution function. |
ICoordinateXform | Provides access to members that control a coordinate (projection) transform. |
ICoordinateXform2 | Provides access to members that control a coordinate (projection) transform. |
ICoordinateXform3 | Provides access to members that control a coordinate (projection) transform. |
ICreateColorCompositeFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control Create Color Composite Function arguments. |
ICreateMosaicDatasetParameters | Provides access to members that control mosaic dataset creation parameters. |
ICreateMosaicDatasetParameters2 | Provides access to members that control mosaic dataset creation parameters. |
ICSMXform | Provides access to members and transformation employing the Community Sensor Model (CSM). |
ICsvCrawler | Provides access to members that control a CSV file crawler. |
ICurvatureFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control curvature function arguments. |
ICustomXform | Provides access to members that control a custom geodata transform. |
IDataSourceCrawler | Provides access to members that control a data source crawler. |
IDataSourceCrawler2 | Provides access to members that control a data source crawler. |
IDataSourceCrawler3 | Provides access to members that control a data source crawler. |
IDefineNoDataParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters for defining NoData values for items in a mosaic dataset. |
IDefineNoDataParameters2 | Provides access to members that control parameters for defining NoData values for items in a mosaic dataset. |
IDefineOverviewsParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters for define overviews of a mosaic dataset. |
IDeleteMosaicDatasetParameters | Provides access to members that control what all gets deleted when a mosaic dataset is deleted. |
IDescColumn | Provides access to members that control a descriptor table column. |
IDescRow | Provides access to members that control a descriptor table row. |
IDescTable | Provides access to members that control a descriptor table. |
IDimensionalDefinition | Provides access to members that define a multidimensional value object. |
IDimensionalDefinition2 | Provides access to members that define a multidimensional value object. |
IDistanceMeasurement | Distance measurement and its associated uncertainty information. |
IDownsampleFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control downsample raster function arguments. |
IDrLoader | Provides access to members that controls a distributed raster catalog loader. |
IElevationVoidFillFunctionArguments | |
IElevationVoidFillFunctionArguments2 | |
IEnumRaster | Provides access to members that control a raster enumerator object. |
IEnumRasterBand | Provides access to members that control a raster band enumerator object. |
IEpipolarXform | Provides access to members that control epipolar transformation. |
IEpipolarXform2 | Provides access to additional epipolar tranforamtion operations. |
IEpipolarXform3 | Provides access to additional epipolar tranforamtion operations. |
IERasterStatus | Provides access to members that get events from the Raster Engine. |
IEstimateStatisticsParameters | Provides access to members that control how a mosaic dataset statistics are estimated. |
IExcludedAreaFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control Excluded Area function arguments. |
IExportGeometryParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters for exporting geometries to feature class. |
IExportItemsParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters for exporting items in a mosaic dataset. |
IExportItemsParameters2 | Provides additional access to members that control parameters to an operation on a mosaic dataset. |
IExportItemsParameters3 | Provides additional access to members that control parameters to an operation on a mosaic dataset. |
IExtractBandFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control band extraction function argument(s). |
IExtractBandFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control band extraction function argument(s). |
IFileCrawler | Provides access to members that control a file system crawler. |
IFileCrawler2 | Provides access to members that control a file system crawler. |
IFileCrawler3 | Provides access to members that control a file system crawler. |
IFileItemURI | Provides access to members that control a file item URI. |
IFocalMeanFilter | Provides access to members that control a focal mean filter. |
IFocalStatisticsFilter | Provides access to members that control a focal statistics filter. |
IFocalStatisticsFilter2 | Provides access to members that control a focal statistics filter. |
IFolderSort | Provides access to members that control a folder content sorter. |
IFootprintFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control Footprint function arguments. |
IFormatData | Provides access to members that provide access to information about specific raster formats. |
IFormatList | Provides access to members that contain information about all raster formats currently supported. |
IFormatTest | Provides access to members that provide information on the format of a raster . |
IFormosat2Xform | Provides access to members that control a Formosat2 transform. |
IFrameCameraBuilder | Provides access to members that control a generic frame camera builder. |
IFrameCameraParameters | Provides access to members that control camera definition |
IFrameXform | Provides access to members that control a standard frame camera transform. |
IFrameXform2 | Provides access to members that control a Frame geodata transform. |
IFunctionRasterDataset | Provides access to members that control a function raster dataset. |
IFunctionRasterDataset2 | Provides access to members that control a function raster dataset. |
IFunctionRasterDatasetName | Provides access to members that control a function raster dataset name. |
IGCSShiftXform | Provides access to members that control a GCS shift geodata transform. |
IGCSShiftXform2 | Provides access to members that control a GCS shift geodata transform. |
IGenerateOverviewsParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters for generating overview images in a mosaic dataset. |
IGenerateOverviewsParameters2 | Provides access to members that control parameters for generating overview images in a mosaic dataset. |
IGenericObjectCrawler | Provides access to members that control an object crawler. |
IGeodataXform2 | Provides access to additional members that control sensor specific geodata transform. |
IGeodataXformApproximation | Provides access to members that control approximation for geodata transforms. |
IGeodeticProjection | Provides access to members that contain information on the projection of a raster. |
IGeometricFunction | Provides access to members that control geometric function. |
IGeometricFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control geometric function arguments. |
IGeometricMedianFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control Geometric Median raster function arguments. |
IGeometricXform | Provides access to members that control a geometric transform. |
IGeoTransformationHelper | Provides access to member that control a geographic transformation helper. |
IGradientFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control Gradient raster function arguments. |
IGrayscaleFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control greyscale conversion function arguments. |
IHeightMeasurement | Height measurement and the associated uncertainty information. |
IHillshadeFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control hillshade function arguments. |
IHistogramSpecification | Provides access to members that control histogram specification. |
IImageFeaturePoint | Provides access to members that control an image feature point. |
IImageFeaturePoints | Provides access to the properties of a list of image feature points. |
IImageMatchPoint | Provides access to members that control a match point. |
IImageMatchPoints | Provides access to the properties of a list of image match points. |
IImageRegistration | Provides access to members that control an image registration. |
IImageRegistration2 | Provides access to members that control an image registration. |
IImageViewOperation | Provides access to operations that control image views associated with a mosaic dataset. |
IImageViewOperationParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters to an operation on a mosaic dataset. |
IImportGeometryParameters | Provides access to members that control how mosaic dataset geometry is imported. |
IIndexedItemURI | Provides access to members that control an item URI that references an indexed item within a container dataset. |
IInterpolateIrregularDataFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control InterpolateIrregularData function arguments. |
IInterpolateIrregularDataFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control InterpolateIrregularData function arguments. |
IInterpolateRasterByDimensionFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control InterpolateRasterByDimension arguments. |
IISATBuilder | Provides access to members that control the ISAT builder |
IItemPaths | Provides access to members that control item paths. |
IItemPaths2 | Provides access to members that control item paths. |
IItemPathsOptions | Provides access to members that control item paths options. |
IItemPathsQuery | Provides access to members that allow querying for paths stored in a mosaic dataset. |
IItemPathsQuery2 | Provides access to members that allow querying for paths stored in a mosaic dataset. |
IItemTemplate | Provides access to members that control an item template. |
IItemTemplate2 | Provides access to members that control an item template. |
IItemTemplateArray | Provides access to members that control an item template array. |
IItemURI | Provides access to members that control an item URI. |
IItemURI2 | Provides access to members that control an item URI. |
IItemURIArray | Provides access to members that control an item URI array. |
IItemURICompare | Provides access to members that compare an item URI. |
IItemURIFilter | Provides access to members that control an item URI filter. |
ILasBuilder | Provides access to members that control LAS to raster conversion. |
ILasDatasetBuilder | Provides access to members that control LasDataset to raster conversion. |
ILasDatasetToRasterFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control LasDataset to raster conversion. |
ILasToRasterFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control Las to raster conversion. |
ILasToRasterFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control Las to raster conversion. |
ILasToRasterFunctionArguments3 | Provides access to members that control Las to raster conversion. |
ILasToRasterFunctionArguments4 | Provides access to members that control Las to raster conversion. |
ILSRXform | Provides access to members that control a Local Space Rectangular transform. |
ILutFilter | Provides access to members that control a LookUp Table filter. |
IMapPoint | A point in map space (easting, northing) or (longitude, latitude) with its associated uncertainty information. |
IMaskFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control mask function arguments. |
IMaskFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control mask function arguments. |
IMatchATBuilder | Provides access to members that control the Match-AT builder. |
IMaxarBuilder | Indicator interface for raster dataset builders. |
IMensuration | Provides basic mensuration functionality utilizing sensor models that are compliant with the Community Sensor Model (CSM) specification. |
IMensuration3D | Provides basic 3D mensuration functionality. |
IMensurationFactory | Provides access to members that control a mensuration type factory. |
IMergeItemsParameters | Provides access to members that control how a mosaic dataset items are merged. |
IMergeItemsParameters2 | Provides access to members that control how a mosaic dataset items are merged. |
IMergeRastersFunctionArguments | |
IMosaicDataset | Provides access to members that control a mosaic dataset. |
IMosaicDataset2 | Provides access to members that control a mosaic dataset. |
IMosaicDataset3 | Provides access to members that control a mosaic dataset. |
IMosaicDatasetDefinitionObject | Provides access to members that control a mosaic dataset definition object. |
IMosaicDatasetOperation | Provides access to moasaic dataset operations. |
IMosaicDatasetOperation2 | Provides access to additional moasaic dataset operations. |
IMosaicDatasetOperation3 | Provides access to additional moasaic dataset operations. |
IMosaicDatasetOperation4 | Provides access to additional moasaic dataset operations. |
IMosaicDatasetOperation5 | Provides access to additional moasaic dataset operations. |
IMosaicDatasetOperation6 | Provides access to additional moasaic dataset operations. |
IMosaicDatasetOperationParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters to an operation on a mosaic dataset. |
IMosaicDatasetOperationParameters2 | Provides access to members that control parameters to an operation on a mosaic dataset. |
IMosaicDatasetOperationParameters3 | Provides access to members that control parameters to an operation on a mosaic dataset. |
IMosaicDatasetViewManager | Provides access to members that control a mosaic dataset view manager. |
IMosaicFunction | Provides access to members that control mosaic function. |
IMosaicFunction2 | Provides access to members that control mosaic function. |
IMosaicFunction3 | Provides access to members that control mosaic function. |
IMosaicFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control mosaic function arguments. |
IMosaicFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control mosaic function arguments. |
IMosaicLODInfos | Provides access to members that control mosaic LOD information. |
IMosaicOperator | Provides access to members that control custom mosaic operators. |
IMosaicOperator2 | Provides access to members that control a custom mosaic operator. |
IMosaicOperator3 | Provides access to members that control custom mosaic operators. |
IMosaicRaster | Provides access to members that control a MosaicRaster. |
IMosaicRaster2 | Provides access to members that control a MosaicRaster. |
IMosaicRastersFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control mosaicrasters function arguments. |
IMosaicWorkspaceExtension | Provides access to members that control a mosaic dataset workspace extension. |
IMosaicWorkspaceExtensionHelper | Provides a helper for working with a mosaic dataset workspace extension. |
IMultibandFilter | Provides access to members that control a multiband filter. |
IMultidimensionalDataset | Provides access to members that control a multidimensional dataset. |
IMultidimensionalDataset2 | Provides access to members that control a multidimensional dataset. |
IMultidimensionalDataset3 | Provides access to members that control a multidimensional dataset. |
IMultidimensionalDataset4 | Provides access to members that control a multidimensional dataset. |
IMultidimensionalDataset5 | Provides access to members that control a multidimensional dataset. |
IMultidimensionalDatasetEdit | Provides access to members that control a multidimensional dataset. |
IMultidimensionalDefinition | Provides access to the MultidimensionalDefinition Interface. |
IMultidimensionalDefinition2 | Provides access to the MultidimensionalDefinition Interface. |
IMultidimensionalFilterFunctionArguments | |
IMultidimensionalInfo2 | Provides access to members that control a multidimensional info value object. |
IMultidimensionalInfo3 | Provides access to members that control a multidimensional info value object. |
IMultidimensionalRaster | Provides access to members that control a multidimensional raster. |
IMultidimensionalRaster2 | Provides access to members that control a multidimensional raster. |
IMultidimensionalRasterDataset | Provides access to members that control a multidimensional raster dataset. |
IMultidimensionalRasterFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control a multidimensional raster function arguments. |
IMultiPartItemURI | Provides access to members that control a multi-part item URI |
INDVIFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control NDVI function arguments. |
INDVIFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control NDVI function arguments. |
INDVIFunctionArguments3 | Provides access to members that control NDVI function arguments. |
INoDataFilter | Provides access to members that control a NoData conversion filter. |
IObjectMemoizer | Provides access to members that control an object memoizer. |
IObjectMemoizer2 | Provides access to members that control an object memoizer. |
IObjectMemoizerDiskCache | Provides access to members that control a disk-based caching capabilities of an object memoizer. |
IOverviewBuilder | Provides access to members that control an overview builder. |
IOverviewImageParameters | Provides access to members that control overview image parameters. |
IOverviewItemURI | Provides access to members that control an overview item URI. |
IOverviewTileParameters | Provides access to members that control overview tile parameters. |
IOverviewTileParameters2 | Provides access to members that control overview image parameters. |
IPanSharpenGramSchmidtFunctionArguments | Provides access to Pan Sharpen Gram Schmidt function arguments. |
IPansharpeningFilter | Provides access to members that control a pansharpening filter. |
IPansharpeningFilter2 | Provides access to additional members that control a pansharpening filter. |
IPansharpeningFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control pansharpening function arguments. |
IPansharpeningFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control pansharpening function arguments. |
IPixelBlock2 | Provides access to members that control a PixelBlock. |
IPixelBlock3 | Provides access to members that control a PixelBlock. |
IPixelBlock4 | Provides access to members that control a PixelBlock. |
IPixelBlockCursor | Provides access to members that control pixel block cursor. |
IPixelFilter | Provides access to members that control a pixel filter. |
IPixelFilter2 | Provides access to additional members that control a pixel filter. |
IPixelFilter3 | Provides access to additional members that control a pixel filter. |
IPixelFilterCollection | Provides access to members that control a raster filter collection. |
IPixelOperation | Provides access to members that control a pixel operation on a raster. |
IPixelReader | Provides access to members that control a pixel reader. |
IPixelReader2 | Provides access to members that control a pixel reader. |
IPixelResampler | Provides access to members that control a pixel resampler. |
IPointMeasurement | Point measurement and its associated uncertainty information. |
IPolygonMeasurement | Polygon measurement and its associated uncertainty information. |
IPolynomialXform | Provides access to members that control a polynomial transform. |
IPredictUsingRegressionFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control Predict Using Regression function arguments. |
IPredictUsingRegressionFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control Predict Using Regression function arguments. |
IProjectiveXform | Provides access to members that control a projective transform. |
IPushbroomUtilities | Pushbroom Xform Utilities. |
IPushbroomXform | Provides access to members that control a Pushbroom transform. |
IPyramidFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that define a set of external Level-Of-Detail rasters for a given input raster. |
IPyramidFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to new members that define a set of external Level-Of-Detail rasters for a given input raster. |
IPythonAdapterFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control python adapter function arguments. |
IPythonRasterBuilder | Builder for python raster types. |
IPythonRasterCrawler | Crawler for python raster types. |
IPythonRasterTypeFactory | Factory for python raster types. |
IQueryPathsParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters to query paths. |
IQueryPathsParameters2 | Provides access to members that control parameters to query paths. |
IQueryPathsParameters3 | Provides access to members that control parameters to query paths. |
IRadarBuilder | Provides access to members that control the Radar builder. |
IRadarCalibrationFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control radiometric calibration for radar imagery. |
IRandomFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control random function arguments. |
IRandomFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control random function arguments. |
IRaster2 | Provides access to members that control a raster. |
IRasterAnalysisProps | Provides access to members that control the properties for raster analysis. |
IRasterAttributeTableManager | Provides access to members that controls raster attribute manager. |
IRasterBand | Provides access to members that control a raster band object. |
IRasterBandCollection | Provides access to members that control a collection of RasterBands. |
IRasterBandColormap | Provides access to members that control the colormap of a raster band. |
IRasterBandEdit | Provides access to members that control a raster band. |
IRasterBandEdit2 | Provides access to members that control a raster band. |
IRasterBuilder | Provides access to members that control a raster builder. |
IRasterBuilder2 | Provides access to members that control a raster builder. |
IRasterBuilder3 | Provides access to members that control a raster builder. |
IRasterBuilderInit | Provides access to members that initialize a raster builder. |
IRasterBuilderInit2 | Provides access to members that initialize a raster builder. |
IRasterCacheArguments | Provides access to members that control item cache properties. |
IRasterCalcStatsHistogram | Provides access to members that controls calculation of stats and histogram. |
IRasterCalcStatsHistogram2 | Provides access to members that controls calculation of stats and histogram. |
IRasterCalcStatsHistogram3 | Provides access to members that controls calculation of stats and histogram. |
IRasterCalcUniqueValues | Provides access to members that controls calculation of unique values. |
IRasterCalcUniqueValues2 | Provides access to members that controls calculation of unique values. |
IRasterCalcUniqueValues3 | Provides access to members that controls calculation of unique values. |
IRasterCatalogLoader | Provides access to members that control rastercatalog loading. |
IRasterCatalogTable | Provides access to members that control a raster catalog table. |
IRasterClassNames | Provides access to members that control raster class names. |
IRasterCollection | Provides access to members that control a raster collection. |
IRasterColormap2 | Provides access to members that control a raster colormap. |
IRasterColormap3 | Provides access to members that control a raster colormap. |
IRasterColormap4 | Provides access to members that control a raster colormap. |
IRasterColormapToRGBConversion | Provides access to members that convert between colormap and RGB Raster. |
IRasterCommand | Provides access to member that control a raster command. |
IRasterCommand2 | Provides access to member that control a raster command. |
IRasterCommandResult | Provides access to member that control a raster command result. |
IRasterCommandResults | Provides access to member that control a list of raster command results. |
IRasterCommandResults2 | Provides access to member that control a list of raster command results. |
IRasterCommands | Provides access to member that control a list of raster command. |
IRasterConvolutionFilter | Provides access to members that control a raster kernel-based filter. |
IRasterDataManagementEvents | Provides access to events that occur with an raster dataset. |
IRasterDatasetBuilder | Indicator interface for raster dataset builders. |
IRasterDatasetContainer | Provides access to members that control subdatasets. |
IRasterDatasetCrawler | Provides access to members that control a raster dataset crawler. |
IRasterDatasetJukebox | Provides access to members that control subdatasets. |
IRasterDefaultProps | Provides access to members that control the default raster properties. |
IRasterDomainExtractor | Provides access to members that extracts the raster domain. |
IRasterEdit | Provides access to members that control pixel block level editing operations. |
IRasterFormatControl | Provides access to members that control raster format support level. |
IRasterFunction | Provides access to members that control a raster function. |
IRasterFunction2 | Provides access to members that control a raster function. |
IRasterFunction3 | Provides access to members that control mask-data syncing for pixel blocks produced from raster functions. |
IRasterFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control raster function arguments. |
IRasterFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control raster function arguments. |
IRasterFunctionCollection | Provides access to members that control a raster function collection. |
IRasterFunctionHelper | Provides access to members that control a raster function helper. |
IRasterFunctionHelper2 | Provides access to members that control a raster function helper. |
IRasterFunctionMemoryUtil | Provides access to members that memory support for raster function. |
IRasterFunctionMemoryUtil2 | Provides access to members that memory support for raster function. |
IRasterFunctionTemplate | Provides access to members that control a raster template function. |
IRasterFunctionTemplate2 | Provides access to members that control a raster template function. |
IRasterFunctionTemplate3 | Provides access to members that control a raster template function. |
IRasterFunctionTemplate4 | Provides access to members that control a raster template function. |
IRasterFunctionTemplate5 | Provides access to members that control a raster template function. |
IRasterFunctionTemplateMapper | Provides access to members that control a raster function template mapper object. |
IRasterFunctionVariable | Provides access to members that control a raster function variable. |
IRasterGeometryProc | Provides access to members that allow raster geometry processing. |
IRasterGeometryProc2 | Provides access to members that allow raster geometry processing. |
IRasterGeometryProc3 | Provides access to members that allow raster geometry processing. |
IRasterHistogram | Provides access to members that control a raster histogram. |
IRasterHistogramArray | Provides access to members that controls an array of histograms. |
IRasterHistograms | Provides access to members that controls a list of histograms. |
IRasterInfo | Provides access to members that control a raster info object. |
IRasterInfo2 | Provides access to members that control a raster info object. |
IRasterInfo3 | Provides access to members that control a raster info object. |
IRasterInfoFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control raster info function arguments. |
IRasterInfos | Provides access to an array of RasterInfos. |
IRasterItemFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control Raster Item function arguments. |
IRasterizeFeatureClassFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control RasterizeFeatureClass function arguments. |
IRasterizeFeatureClassFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control RasterizeFeatureClass function arguments. |
IRasterizeFeatureClassFunctionArguments3 | Provides access to members that control RasterizeFeatureClass function arguments. |
IRasterKeyProperties | Provides access to members that control raster key properties. |
IRasterLoader | Provides access to members that control data loading. |
IRasterLoaderImpl | Provides access to implementation members that control data loading. |
IRasterMapModel | Provides access to member that control RasterMapModel. |
IRasterProps | Provides access to members that control the most common raster properties. |
IRasterPyramid | Provides access to members that control the pyramids for a raster dataset. |
IRasterPyramid2 | Provides access to members that control the pyramids for a raster dataset. |
IRasterPyramid3 | Provides access to members that control the pyramids for a raster dataset. |
IRasterPyramid4 | Provides access to members that control the pyramids for a raster dataset. |
IRasterResamplingControl | Provides access to members that provides raster resampling control. |
IRasterSdeCatalog | Provides access to members that control the RasterSDE connection. |
IRasterSdeServerOperation | Provides access to members that control the RasterSDE operation. |
IRasterSdeServerOperation2 | Provides access to members that control the RasterSDE operation. |
IRasterSdeStorage | Provides access to members that control RasterSDE storage. |
IRasterSdeStorage2 | Provides access to members that control RasterSDE storage. |
IRasterSensorXform | Provides access to sensor model state |
IRasterSensorXform2 | Provides access to sensor model state |
IRasterServiceHelper | Provides access to members that controls web services. |
IRasterServiceHelper2 | Provides access to members that controls web services. |
IRasterServiceHelper3 | Provides access to members that controls web services. |
IRasterStatistics | Provides access to members that control raster statistics. |
IRasterStatistics2 | Provides access to members that control raster statistics. |
IRasterStatisticsArray | Provides access to members that controls an array of statistics. |
IRasterStatus | Provides access to members that control the raster status. |
IRasterStatus2 | Provides access to members that control the raster status 2. |
IRasterStatus3 | Provides access to members that control the raster status 3. |
IRasterStatusEvent | Provides access to members that control the raster status event. |
IRasterStatusEvent2 | Provides access to members that control the raster status event. |
IRasterTable | Provides access to members that control a raster table. |
IRasterThumbnailBuilder | Provides access to members that control a raster thumbnail builder. |
IRasterTransaction | Provides access to members that provide undo support. |
IRasterType | Provides access to members that control a raster type. |
IRasterTypeDataSourceHandler | Provides access to members that control the raster type data source handler. |
IRasterTypeDataSourceHandler2 | Provides access to members that control the raster type data source handler. |
IRasterTypeDataSourceHandler3 | Provides access to members that control the raster type data source handler. |
IRasterTypeDataSourceHandlerParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters to raster type data source handler. |
IRasterTypeDataSourceHandlerParameters2 | Provides access to members that control parameters to raster type data source handler. |
IRasterTypeDataSourceHandlerParameters3 | Provides access to members that control parameters to raster type data source handler. |
IRasterTypeEnvironment | Provides access to members that control the raster type environment. |
IRasterTypeEnvironment2 | Provides access to members that control the raster type environment. |
IRasterTypeFactory | Provides access to members that control a raster type factory. |
IRasterTypeFactory2 | Provides access to members that control a raster type factory. |
IRasterTypeHistory | Provides access to members that control raster type history. |
IRasterTypeHistory2 | Provides access to members that control raster type history. |
IRasterTypeItemURI | Provides access to members that control a raster type item URI. |
IRasterTypeItemURI2 | Provides access to members that control a raster type item URI. |
IRasterTypeName | Provides access to members that control a raster type name. |
IRasterTypeOperation | Provides access to members that control raster type operation. |
IRasterTypeProperties | Provides access to members that control raster type properties. |
IRasterTypeProperties2 | Provides access to members that control raster type properties. |
IRasterTypeProperties3 | Provides access to members that control raster type properties. |
IRasterTypeProperties4 | Provides access to members that control raster type properties. |
IRasterWorkspace | Provides access to members that control a raster workspace. |
IRasterWorkspace3 | Provides access to additional members that control a raster workspace. |
IRasterXform | Provides access to members that control raster specific geodata transform. |
IRasterXform2 | Provides access to members that control raster specific geodata transform. |
IRasterXformer | Provides access to members that control raster transformer. |
IRasterXformer2 | Provides access to members that control raster transformer. |
IRasterXformHelper | Raster Xform Helper class. |
IRawBlocks | Provides access to members that control raw pixel block access. |
IRawPixelReader | Provides access to members that control a raw pixel reader. |
IRawPixels | Provides access to members that control pixel reading and writing from a RasterBand. |
IRecastFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control Invoke function arguments. |
IRect | Provides access to members that control a rectangle. |
IRedactionFunctionArguments | |
IRedactionInfo | |
IReflectanceFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control Apparent Reflectance raster function arguments. |
IReflectanceFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control albedo option. |
IRegionGrowFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control RegionGrow function arguments. |
IRegionPixelCountFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control Region Pixel Count raster function arguments. |
IRelativePathSupport | Provides access to member that enable access via relative paths. |
IRemapFilter | Provides access to members that control a remap filter. |
IRemapFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control remap function arguments. |
IRemapFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control remap function arguments. |
IRemoveHazeFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control remove haze function arguments. |
IRemoveItemsParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters for removing rasters from a mosaic dataset. |
IRemoveItemsParameters2 | Provides access to members that control parameters for removing rasters from a mosaic dataset. |
IRemoveItemsParameters3 | Provides access to members that control parameters for removing rasters from a mosaic dataset. |
IRemoveItemsParameters4 | Provides access to members that control parameters for removing rasters from a mosaic dataset. |
IRemoveSliversParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters for sliver removal. |
IRemoveSliversParameters2 | Provides access to members that control parameters for sliver removal. |
IRenderedRasterFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control rendered raster function arguments. |
IReplacePathsParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters to replace paths. |
IReplacePathsParameters2 | Provides access to members that control parameters to replace paths. |
IReplacePathsParameters3 | Provides access to members that control parameters to replace paths. |
IReplacePathsParameters4 | Provides access to members that control parameters to replace paths. |
IReprojectFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control reproject function arguments. |
IResampleFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control resample function arguments. |
IRGB32PixelResampler | Provides access to members that control a RGB 32-bit packed pixel resampler. |
IRGB32ToRGBFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control RGB32ToRGB function arguments. |
IRJPEGFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control RJPEGFunction arguments. |
IRPCXform | Provides access to members that control a RPC transform. |
IRPCXform2 | Provides access to members that control a RPC transform. |
IRPFItemURI | Provides access to members that control an RPF or DTED item URI. |
IS1RadiometricCalibrationFunctionArguments | |
ISAIFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control slope-aspect index (SAI) function arguments. |
ISARIndicesFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control SAR Indices function arguments. |
ISARXform | Provides access to members that control a SAR transform. |
IScalar | Provides access to members that control a scalar. |
IScientificDataBuilder | Provides access to members that control scientific data builder. |
IScientificDataBuilder2 | Provides access to members that control scientific data builder. |
IScientificDataCrawler | Provides access to members that control a scientific data crawler. |
ISeamlineModifier | Provides access to members that control a seamline modifier. |
ISeamlineModifierInit | Provides access to members that control initialization of a seamline modifier. |
ISeamlineTaskInfo | Provides access to members that control information defining a seamline task. |
ISeamlineTaskInfo2 | Provides access to members that control information defining a seamline task. |
ISeamlineTaskInfo3 | Provides access to members that control information defining a seamline task. |
ISeamlineTaskInfo4 | Provides access to members that control information defining a seamline task. |
ISearchBuilder | Provides access to members that control a search builder. |
ISearchItemURI | Provides access to members that control a search builder. |
ISegmentMeanShiftFunctionArguments | |
ISegmentMeanShiftFunctionArguments2 | |
ISegmentToIndexFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control SegmentToIndex function arguments. |
ISelectionParameters | Provides access to members that control selection parameters. |
ISensorXform | Provides access to members that control sensor specific geodata transform. |
IShadedReliefFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control shaded relief function arguments. |
ISimpleCollectionFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control SimpleCollection function arguments. |
ISimplePixelReader | Provides access to members that control a simple pixel reader. |
ISimplePixelResampler | Provides access to members that control a simple pixel resampler. |
ISlopeFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control slope function arguments. |
ISlopeScalingArguments | Provides access to members that control hillshade/slope function arguments. |
ISpatialPartitions | |
ISpeckleFilter | Provides access to members that control a speckle filter. |
ISpeckleFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control a speckle function for radar imagery. |
ISpectralAngleMapperFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control spectral angle mapper function arguments. |
ISpectralConversionFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control spectral conversion function arguments. |
ISpectralConversionFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control the validation of band information for the spectral conversion function. |
ISpectralUnmixingFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control spectral unmixing Function arguments. |
ISplineXform | Provides access to members that control a Thin Plate Spline transform. |
ISplitMergedItemsParameters | Provides access to members that control how merged mosaic dataset items are split. |
ISPOT5Xform | Provides access to members that control a SPOT5 1A transform. |
IStatisticsFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control focal statistics function arguments. |
IStatisticsFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control focal statistics function arguments. |
IStatisticsHistogramFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control statistics and histogram function arguments. |
IStatsHistogram | Provides access to members that controls stats and histogram. |
IStatsHistogram2 | Provides access to members that controls stats and histogram. |
IStatsHistogram3 | Provides access to members that controls stats and histogram. |
IStatsHistogram4 | Provides access to accumulating member variables. Allows for block-wise outside updating. |
IStockConvolutionFilter | Provides access to members that control a kernel-based stock filter. |
IStockFrequencyDistributionHistogram | Provides access to members that control stock frequency distribution histograms. |
IStretchFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control stretch function arguments. |
IStretchFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control stretch function arguments. |
ISubsetBandsFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control Subset Bands function arguments. |
ISwathFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control swath function arguments. |
ISynchronizeParameters | Provides access to members that control parameters for synchronizing items in a mosaic dataset. |
ISynchronizeParameters2 | Provides access to members that control parameters for synchronizing items in a mosaic dataset. |
ISynchronizeParameters3 | Provides access to members that control parameters for synchronizing items in a mosaic dataset. |
ISynchronizeParameters4 | Provides access to members that control parameters for synchronizing items in a mosaic dataset. |
ISynchronizeParameters5 | Provides access to members that control parameters for synchronizing items in a mosaic dataset |
ISynchronizeParameters6 | Provides access to members that control parameters for synchronizing items in a mosaic dataset |
ITableBuilder | Provides access to members that control a table builder. |
ITableCrawler | Provides access to members that control a crawler capable of traversing tables. |
ITableCrawler2 | Provides access to members that control a crawler capable of traversing tables. |
ITableCrawler3 | Provides access to members that control a crawler capable of traversing tables. |
ITableFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control table arguments. |
ITemporaryDataset | Provides access to members that control temporary datasets. |
ITerrainBuilder | Provides access to members that control terrain to raster conversion. |
ITerrainFlattenFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control Radiometric Terrain Flatten Function arguments. |
ITerrainToRasterFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control terrain to raster conversion. |
IThreadedOperationParameters | Provides access to members that control threaded operation parameters. |
IThreadedOperationParameters2 | Provides access to members that control threaded operation parameters. |
IThresholdFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control threshold function arguments. |
ITiePoint | Provides access to members that control an image tie point. |
ITiePoint2 | Provides access to members that control an image tie point. |
ITiePointCollection | Provides access to members that control an image tie point collection. |
ITiePointOperation | Provides access to members that control an image tie point operation. |
ITiePointOperation2 | Provides access to members that control an image tie point collection. |
ITOPSARSplitFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control TOPSAR Split Function arguments. |
ITransposeBitsFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control Transpose Bits function arguments. |
ITrendFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control trend function arguments. |
ITrendFunctionArguments2 | Provides access to members that control trend function arguments. |
IUavUasBuilder | Provides access to members that controls UAV/UAS images. |
IUavUasBuilderHelper | Provides access to members that controls UAV/UAS images. |
IUniqueDoubleValues | Provides access to members that controls unique double values. |
IUniqueDoubleValues2 | Provides access to members that controls unique double values. |
IUniqueMutliStringValues | |
IUniqueStringValues | Provides access to members that controls unique string values. |
IUniqueStringValues2 | Provides access to members that controls unique string values. |
IUniqueValues | Provides access to members that controls unique values. |
IUniqueValues2 | Provides access to members that controls large unique values. |
IUniqueValues3 | Provides access to members that controls large unique values. |
IUnitConversionFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that control unit conversion raster function arguments. |
IURIProductNameFilter | Provides access to members that control a filter based on URI product name. |
IURIPropertiesFilter | Provides access to members that control a filter based on properties in an item uri. |
IVectorFieldFunctionArguments | Provides access to members that generate a two-band vector field given each vector component as a raster. |
IVolumeMeasurement | Volume measurement & it's associated properties |
IWorldFileExport | Provides access to members that export Georeference information to a WorldFile. |
IWorldFileExport2 | Provides access to members that export georeferencing and spatial reference. |
IXForm | Provides access to members that control a transformation. |
Class | Description |
AddNewerRastersParameters | An object that controls how newwer rasters are added to a mosaic dataset. |
AddRastersParameters | An object that controls how rasters are added to a mosaic dataset. |
AdjustXform | An adjustment (rubber sheeting) transform class. |
AggregationDefinition | The aggregation definition class. |
AISImageServerManager | Image Server Manager CoClass |
AnalyzeParameters | An object that controls how a mosaic dataset is analyzed. |
AngularMeasurement | Implements interface IAngularMeasurement (angular measurement and the associated uncertainty information). |
ApplanixBuilder | A raster builder for Applanix files. |
ApproximationXform | A transformation that approximates other transformations. |
ArgStatisticsFunction | A class for a function raster dataset name. |
ArgStatisticsFunctionArguments | A class for a function raster dataset. |
ArithmeticFunction | A class for an arithmetic raster function. |
ArithmeticFunctionArguments | A class for colormap raster function arguments. |
ArrayCrawler | A crawler for an array of strings. |
AspectFunction | The Aspect function. |
AsterBuilder | A raster builder for Aster data |
BackgroundFilter | A raster background filter. |
BandArithmeticFunction | A class for a raster Band Arithmetic function. |
BandArithmeticFunctionArguments | A class for Band Arithmetic raster function arguments. |
BasicRasterSdeLoader | A mechanism to control creation of SDE Raster datasets and load raster data. |
BlendMosaicker | A custom raster mosaic operator for performing blend value mosaic. |
BuildBoundaryParameters | An object that controls how the boundary of a mosaic dataset is computed. |
BuilderItem | An item built by a raster builder. |
BuildFootprintsParameters | An object that controls how footrints of items in a mosaic dataset are computed. |
BuildMultidimensionalInfoParameters | An object that controls how multidimensional info a mosaic dataset is generated. |
BuildSeamlinesParameters | An object that controls how the seamline geometry for items in a mosiac dataset are computed. |
CachedRasterFunction | The cached raster function for caching function raster datasets. |
CachedRasterFunctionArguments | The cached raster function arguments. |
CalculateCellSizeRangesParameters | An object that controls how visibility ranges for items in a mosaic dataset are computed. |
CancelListener | A raster status event listener for handling cancel events. |
CellSizeLevel | A cell size level object. |
CellSizeLevels | A collection of one or more cell size level objects. |
ClassifyFunction | A class for a classify raster function. |
ClassifyFunctionArguments | A class for classify raster function arguments. |
ClipFilter | A class for clipping filter. |
ClipFootprintToMosaic | A seamline modifier that simply clips the item footprint to the aggregating mosaic geometry. |
ClipFunction | The class for a raster clipping function. |
ClipFunctionArguments | The class for a raster clipping function arguments. |
ColormapFilter | A raster colormap filter. |
ColormapFunction | A class for a colormap raster function. |
ColormapFunctionArguments | A class for colormap raster function arguments. |
ColormapToRGBFunction | A class for a raster Colormap-To-RGB conversion function. |
ColorspaceConversionFunction | The class for a colorspace conversion function. |
ColorspaceConversionFunctionArguments | The class for raster colorspace conversion arguments. |
ComplexFunction | A class for a Complex value conversion function. |
ComplexFunctionArguments | A class for a Complex value conversion function arguments. |
CompositeBandFunction | A class for a band composition raster function. |
CompositeBandFunctionArguments | A class for a band composition raster function arguments. |
CompositeItemURI | A composite item URI object. |
CompositeURIFilter | A composite URI filter object. |
CompositeXform | A composite geodata transform collection class. |
ComputeChangeFunction | A class for compute change function. |
ComputeChangeFunctionArguments | A class for compute change function arguments. |
ComputeDirtyAreaParameters | An object that controls how a mosaic dataset's dirty area geometry is computed. |
ComputePixelAlignmentParameters | An object that controls how pixel alignment of mosaic dataset items is computed. |
ConstantFunction | The raster function of a constant value. |
ConstantFunctionArguments | The arguments for the constant raster function. |
ContourFunction | A class for contour function. |
ContourFunctionArguments | A class for contour function arguments. |
ContrastBrightnessFunction | The Contrast/Brighntess function. |
ContrastBrightnessFunctionArguments | The Contrast/Brighntess arguments. |
ConvolutionFunction | A class for a convolution raster function. |
ConvolutionFunctionArguments | A class for convolution raster function arguments. |
CoordinateXform | A coordinate transform class. |
CreateColorCompositeFunction | A class for Create Color Composite raster function. |
CreateColorCompositeFunctionArguments | A class for Create Color Composite raster function arguments. |
CreateMosaicDatasetParameters | An object that controls how a mosaic dataset is created. |
CsvCrawler | A crawler for CSV files. |
CurvatureFunction | Curvature function. |
CurvatureFunctionArguments | Curvature function arguments. |
DblPnt | A simple point class. |
DblRect | A simple rectangle class. |
DefaultRasterStatusEvent | The default listener of the raster related events. |
DefineNoDataParameters | An object that controls how NoData values are defined for items in a mosaic dataset. |
DefineOverviewsParameters | An object that controls how new overview items are created in a mosaic dataset. |
DeleteMosaicDatasetParameters | Parameters that control what to delete with a Mosaic Dataset |
DimensionalDefinition | A class for the multidimensional definition value object. |
DistanceMeasurement | Implements interface IDistanceMeasurement (distance measurement and the associated uncertainty information). |
DmciiBuilder | A raster builder for DMCii files. |
DownsampleFunction | The downsample function. |
DownsampleFunctionArguments | A class for downsample raster function arguments. |
DrLoader | A distributed raster catalog loader. |
DubaisatBuilder | A raster builder for DubaiSat files |
EpipolarXform | A transformation that map native image to epipolar image. |
EstimateStatisticsParameters | An object that controls how raster statistics of a mosaic dataset are estimated. |
ExcludedAreaFunction | The raster function for generating excluded area. |
ExcludedAreaFunctionArguments | The arguments for the ExcludedArea raster function. |
ExportGeometryParameters | An object that controls how geometries in a mosaic dataset are exported. |
ExportItemsParameters | An object that controls how items in a mosaic dataset are exported. |
ExtractBandFunction | A class for a band extraction/selection raster function. |
ExtractBandFunctionArguments | A class for band extraction/selection raster function arguments. |
FileCrawler | A crawler for files that reside on the file-system. |
FileItemURI | An item URI that identifes a file. |
FocalMeanFilter | A class for focal mean filter. |
FocalStatisticsFilter | A class for focal statistics filter. |
FolderCrawler | A crawler for folders that reside on the file-system. |
FootprintFunction | The raster function for generating a raster footprint. |
FootprintFunctionArguments | The arguments for the Footprint raster function. |
FormatList | A collection of information about supported raster formats. |
Formosat2Xform | A Formosat2 transform class. |
FrameCameraBuilder | The generic frame camera raster builder object. |
FrameXform | A standard frame camera model transformation class. |
FunctionRasterDataset | A class for a function raster dataset. |
FunctionRasterDatasetName | A class for a function raster dataset name. |
GCSShiftXform | A GCS shift geodata transform class. |
GenerateOverviewsParameters | An object that controls how a mosaic dataset's overview images are generated. |
GenericObjectCrawler | A crawler for objects. |
GeometricFunction | A class for a raster geometric function. |
GeometricFunctionArguments | A class for raster geometric function arguments. |
GeometricMedianFunction | The geometric median raster function class. |
GeometricMedianFunctionArguments | The Geometric Median raster function arguments class. |
GeometricXform | A geometric transform class. |
GeoTransformationHelper | The geograpgic transformation (datum conversion) helper class. |
GradientFunction | The gradient raster function class. |
GradientFunctionArguments | The Gradient raster function arguments class. |
GrayscaleFunction | The greyscale conversion function. |
GrayscaleFunctionArguments | The greyscale conversion function arguments. |
HeightMeasurement | Implements interface IHeightMeasurement (height measurement and its associated uncertainty information). |
HillshadeFunction | The Hillshade function Class. |
HillshadeFunctionArguments | The Hillshade function arguments. |
HistogramSpecification | A class for histogram specification. |
HREBuilder | A raster builder for HRE files. |
IdentityFunction | A class for an identity raster function. |
IdentityXform | An identity transform class. |
IkonosBuilder | A raster builder for IKONOS files |
IkonosFileCrawler | A crawler for IKONOS and GeoEye-1 files. |
ImageFeaturePoint | The Image Feature Point class. |
ImageFeaturePoints | The Image Feature Point collection class. |
ImageMatchPoint | The Image Match Point class. |
ImageMatchPoints | The Image Match Point collection class. |
ImageRegistration | The Image Registration class. |
ImageViewOperationParameters | An object that controls image view operations on a mosaic dataset. |
ImportGeometryParameters | An object that controls how a mosaic dataset's geometry gets imported. |
IndexedItemURI | An indexed item URI object. |
InterpolateIrregularDataFunction | A class for the InterpolateIrregularData function. |
InterpolateIrregularDataFunctionArguments | A class for the InterpolateIrregularData function arguments. |
InterpolateRasterByDimensionFunction | A class for interpolate raster by dimension function. |
InterpolateRasterByDimensionFunctionArguments | A class for interpolate raster by dimension function arguments. |
ISATBuilder | A raster builder for ISAT files. |
ISDefBuilder | A raster builder for an Image Service Definition file. |
ItemPathsOptions | Parameters that indicate path query and replacement options. |
ItemTemplate | An item template. |
ItemTemplateArray | An array of item templates. |
ItemURI | An item URI object that identifies an item returned by a raster builder. |
ItemURIArray | An array of item URI objects. |
KauthThomasFunction | The Tasseled Cap (Kauth-Thomas) function. |
KompsatBuilder | A raster builder for KOMPSAT files |
KompsatFileCrawler | A crawler for KOMPSAT-2 files. |
LandsatBuilder | A raster builder for Landsat files |
LandsatMSSBuilder | A raster builder for Landsat 1-5 MSS products |
LandsatSurfaceReflectanceBuilder | The generic Landsat Surface Reflectance raster builder object; supports surface reflectance products for Landast 4-5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 8 |
LasBuilder | A raster builder for LAS files |
LasDatasetBuilder | A raster builder for LAS files |
LSRXform | A Local Space Rectangular transform class. |
LutFilter | A raster LookUp Table filter. |
MapPoint | Implements interface IMapPoint (a point in map space). |
MaskFunction | The mask function for masking out background values. |
MaskFunctionArguments | The raster mask function arguments. |
MatchATBuilder | A raster builder for MatchAT files. |
MaxarBuilder | A raster builder for MAXAR data products |
MeanMosaicker | A custom raster mosaic operator for performing mean value mosaic. |
Mensuration | Implenments interface IMensuration to provide commercial basic mensuration services for the Esri Mensuration System. |
MensurationFactory | A mensuration factory object. |
MergeItemsParameters | An object that controls how a mosaic dataset items are merged. |
MergeRastersFunction | The Tiled Raster function. |
MergeRastersFunctionArguments | A class for tiled raster function arguments. |
MosaicDatasetSelectionParameters | An object that controls how rasters in a mosaic dataset are selected. |
MosaicDatasetViewManager | The view manager object. |
MosaicFunction | A class for a raster mosaic function. |
MosaicFunctionArguments | A class for raster mosaic function arguments. |
MosaicLODInfos | A class containing mosaic LOD information. |
MosaicRaster | A mosaic of rasters. |
MosaicRastersFunction | The Mosaic Rasters function. |
MosaicRastersFunctionArguments | A class for mosaicrasters function arguments. |
MosaicWorkspaceExtensionHelper | A mosaic dataset workspace extension helper. |
MultibandFilter | A class for multiband filter. |
MultidimensionalDefinition | A collection of multidimensional definition objects. |
MultidimensionalFilterFunction | A class for multidimensional filter function. |
MultidimensionalFilterFunctionArguments | A class for multidimensional filter function arguments. |
MultidimensionalInfo | A class for the multidimensional info value object. |
MultidimensionalRasterFunction | A class for multidimensional raster function. |
MultidimensionalRasterFunctionArguments | A class for multidimensional raster function arguments. |
MultiPartItemURI | A multi-part item URI object. |
NDVIFunction | A class for a raster NDVI function. |
NDVIFunctionArguments | A class for NDVI raster function arguments. |
NoDataFilter | A class for NoData conversion filter. |
ObjectMemoizer | A basic LRU-based object memoizer. |
OverviewBuilder | A raster builder for overview datasets. |
OverviewItemURI | An overview item URI object. |
PanSharpenGramSchmidtFunction | Pan Sharpen Gram Schmidt function. |
PanSharpenGramSchmidtFunctionArguments | Pan Sharpen Gram Schmidt function arguments. |
PansharpeningFilter | A class for pansharpening filter. |
PansharpeningFunction | A class for a sharpening raster function. |
PansharpeningFunctionArguments | A class for sharpening raster function arguments. |
PARMODBuilder | A raster builder for PAR/MOD data products |
PixelBlock | Esri PixelBlock, a container of pixel data. |
PixelBlockCursor | A PixelBlock cursor class. |
PixelFilterCollection | A raster filter collection. |
PixFileBuilder | A raster buider for PIX files. |
PixFileCrawler | A crawler for PIX files. |
PleiadesBuilder | A raster builder for Pleiades files. |
PleiadesFileCrawler | A crawler for Pleiades files. |
PointMeasurement | Implements interface IPointMeasurement (point measurement with the associated error covariance matrix). |
PolygonMeasurement | Implements interface IPolygonMeasurement (polygon measurement and its associated uncertainty information). |
PolynomialXform | A polynomial transform class. |
PredictUsingRegressionFunction | A class for predict using regression raster function. |
PredictUsingRegressionFunctionArguments | A class for predict using regression raster function arguments. |
ProjectiveXform | A projective transform class. |
PushbroomUtilities | Pushbroom Xforms Utilities class. |
PushbroomXform | A Pushbroom sensor model class. |
PyramidFunction | A class for a RegionGrow raster function. |
PyramidFunctionArguments | A class for a Pyramid raster function arguments. |
PythonAdapterFunction | A class for an python adaptor raster function. |
PythonAdapterFunctionArguments | A class for an python adaptor raster function arguments. |
PythonRasterBuilder | A raster builder for Python Raster Types |
PythonRasterCrawler | A crawler for Python Raster Types |
PythonRasterTypeFactory | Python raster type factory object. |
QueryPathsParameters | An object that controls how paths referenced by a mosaic dataset and items in the mosaic dataset are queried. |
QuickBirdBuilder | A raster builder for QuickBird files |
QuickBirdFileCrawler | A crawler for QuickBird and WorldView files. |
RadarBuilder | A raster builder for Radar files. |
RadarCalibrationFunction | A class for a radiometric calibration function. |
RadarCalibrationFunctionArguments | A class for radiometric calibration function arguments. |
RandomFunction | The raster function of random values. |
RandomFunctionArguments | The arguments for the random raster function. |
RapidEyeBuilder | A raster builder for RapidEye files |
Raster | An in-memory representation of a dynamic raster that can perform resampling and reprojection. |
RasterAttributeTableManager | A class for managing the association between a raster attribute table and its geodataset. |
RasterBand | A representation of a single band of a raster dataset on disk. |
RasterBands | An enumerator useful for iterating through a set of raster bands. |
RasterCalcStatsHistogram | A helper class for calculating raster statistics and histogram. |
RasterCalcUniqueValues | A helper class for calculating raster unique values. |
RasterCatalogLoader | A raster catalog loader class. |
RasterCatalogTable | A special type of table used to display multiple rasters simultaneously. |
RasterClassNames | A list of class (category) names. |
RasterColormap | A container for a colormap used to display a raster band. |
RasterColormapToRGBConverter | A helper class for converting between colormap to RGB raster. |
RasterCommand | The raster command class. |
RasterCommandResult | The coclass for a raster command result from executing a raster command. |
RasterConvolutionFilter | A raster kernel-based filter. |
RasterCursor | A raster cursor class. |
RasterDataManagementEventsHelper | The raster data management events broadcaster. |
RasterDataset | A representation of a raster dataset on disk. |
RasterDatasetBuilder | A raster builder for raster datasets. |
RasterDatasetCrawler | A crawler for raster datasets. |
RasterDomainExtractor | A lightweight object for extracting raster domain. |
RasterFunctionCollection | A class for a raster function collection. |
RasterFunctionHelper | A class for a raster function helper. |
RasterFunctionTemplate | A class for a template raster function. |
RasterFunctionTemplateArguments | A class for template function arguments. |
RasterFunctionVariable | The class for template raster function arguments. |
RasterGeometryProc | A mechanism to perform raster geometric operations, such as flip, rotate, and merge on rasters. |
RasterHistogram | A raster histogram class. |
RasterHistogramArray | An array of raster histograms. |
RasterHistograms | An array of raster histograms. |
RasterInfo | A class for a raster info value object containing information about a raster. |
RasterInfoFunction | The raster info function for modifying raster properties. |
RasterInfoFunctionArguments | The raster info function arguments. |
RasterInfos | An array of RasterInfo objects. |
RasterItemFunction | A class for a raster item function. |
RasterItemFunctionArguments | A class for raster item function arguments. |
RasterizeFeatureClassFunction | A class for a RasterizeFeatureClass raster function. |
RasterizeFeatureClassFunctionArguments | A class for RasterizeFeatureClass raster function arguments. |
RasterLoader | A raster loader class. |
RasterNativeType | Native type for raster datasets. |
RasterPicture | A lightweight object for displaying some raster formats in a simple manner. |
RasterRouteFinder | A seamline modifier that finds a route along the difference raster. |
RasterStatistics | A raster statistics class. |
RasterStatisticsArray | An array of raster statistics. |
RasterStatus | The raster event listener object. |
RasterStatusEvent2Helper | The raster status event helper class for broadcasting events. |
RasterStatusEventHelper | The raster status event helper class for broadcasting events. |
RasterType | A raster type object. |
RasterTypeDataSourceHandlerParameters | Parameters that control raster type data source handler operations. |
RasterTypeEnvironment | The raster type environment. |
RasterTypeFactory | A raster type factory object. |
RasterTypeItemURI | An item URI constructed by the raster type object. |
RasterTypeName | The raster type name object. |
RasterWorkspace | The raster workspace object. |
RasterWorkspaceFactory | Provides access to members that control creation of raster workspaces. |
RasterXformer | A raster transformer class. |
RasterXformHelper | A Raster transform helper class. |
RCMBuilder | A raster builder for RCM data. |
RecastFunction | A class for a function invocation function. |
RecastFunctionArguments | A class for a function invocation function arguments. |
RedactionFunction | |
RedactionFunctionArguments | |
ReflectanceFunction | The Reflectance function. |
ReflectanceFunctionArguments | A class for Apparent Reflectance raster function arguments. |
RegionGrowFunction | A class for a RegionGrow raster function. |
RegionGrowFunctionArguments | A class for a RegionGrow raster function arguments. |
RegionPixelCountFunction | The Region Pixel Count raster function class. |
RegionPixelCountFunctionArguments | The Region Pixel Count raster function arguments class. |
RemapFilter | A class for remap filter. |
RemapFunction | A class for a remap raster function. |
RemapFunctionArguments | A class for remap raster function arguments. |
RemoveHazeFunction | A class for a remove haze function. |
RemoveHazeFunctionArguments | A class for remove haze function arguments. |
RemoveItemsParameters | An object that controls how items are removed from a mosaic dataset. |
RenderedRasterFunction | A class for a rendered raster function. |
RenderedRasterFunctionArguments | A class for rendered raster function arguments. |
ReplacePathsParameters | An object that controls how paths referenced by a mosaic dataset and items in the mosaic dataset are updated. |
ReprojectFunction | The Reproject function Class. |
ReprojectFunctionArguments | The Reproject function arguments. |
ResampleFunction | A class for a resampling function. |
ResampleFunctionArguments | A class for resampling function arguments. |
RGB32Function | A class for a packed RGBA raster function. |
RGB32PixelResampler | A 32-bit RGB(A) pixel resampler class. |
RGB32ToRGBFunction | A class for a packed RGBA to 3 band RGB conversion raster function. |
RGB32ToRGBFunctionArguments | A class for RGB32ToRGB function arguments. |
RGBToColormapFunction | A class for a raster RGB-To-Colormap conversion function. |
RJPEGFunction | A class for RJPEG function. |
RJPEGFunctionArguments | A class for RJPEG function arguments. |
RPCXform | A Rational Polynomial Coefficient (RPC) transform class. |
RPDefBuilder | A raster builder for Raster Process Definition files |
RPFBuilder | A raster buider for RPF files. |
RPFItemURI | An item URI that identifes aN RPF file. |
S1RadiometricCalibrationFunction | A class for Sentinel-1 radiometric calibration function |
S1RadiometricCalibrationFunctionArguments | A class for Sentinel-1 radiometric calibration function arguments. |
S1ThermalNoiseRemovalFunction | A class for Sentinel-1 thermal noise removal function |
SAIFunction | The Slope-Aspect Index (SAI) function. |
SAIFunctionArguments | The Slope-Aspect Index (SAI) function arguments. |
SARIndicesFunction | A class for SAR Indices raster function. |
SARIndicesFunctionArguments | A class for SAR Indices raster function arguments. |
SARXform | A SAR transform class. |
Scalar | The class for a scalar value. |
ScientificDataBuilder | A raster builder for Scientific Data. |
ScientificDataCrawler | A crawler for files containing scientific data. |
SdeRasterCatalogTable | A class for managing 8.x ArcSDE RasterCatalogs. |
SeamlineByDisparity | A seamline modifier that finds a route that avoids surface objects. |
SeamlineByEdge | A seamline modifier that finds a route along the edges. |
SeamlineTaskInfo | A seamline task information object. |
SearchBuilder | A raster builder for search items. |
SearchItemURI | A URI that identifies a search result item. |
SegmentMeanShiftFunction | |
SegmentMeanShiftFunctionArguments | |
SegmentToIndexFunction | A class for a SegmentToIndex raster function. |
SegmentToIndexFunctionArguments | A class for SegmentToIndex raster function arguments. |
Sentinel1Builder | A raster builder for Sentinel-1 files |
Sentinel2Builder | The generic Sentinel-2 raster builder object. |
Sentinel3Builder | A raster builder for Sentinel-3 data products |
ShadedReliefFunction | The Shaded Relief function. |
ShadedReliefFunctionArguments | The Shaded Relief function arguments. |
SICDXform | Sensor Independent Complex Data (SICD) Xform. |
SimpleCollectionFunction | A class for simple collection function. |
SimpleCollectionFunctionArguments | A class for simple collection function arguments. |
SimplePixelReader | A simple pixel resampler class. |
SimplePixelResampler | A simple pixel resampler class. |
SkySatBuilder | A raster builder for SkySat data |
SlopeFunction | The Slope function. |
SlopeFunctionArguments | The Slope function arguments. |
SocetSetBuilder | A raster builder for SocetSet files. |
SpatialPartitions | |
SpeckleFilter | A class for speckle filter. |
SpeckleFunction | A class for a speckle raster function. |
SpeckleFunctionArguments | A class for speckle raster function arguments. |
SpectralAngleMapperFunction | The Spectral Angle Mapper function. |
SpectralAngleMapperFunctionArguments | A class for Spectral Angle function arguments. |
SpectralConversionFunction | The spectral conversion function. |
SpectralConversionFunctionArguments | The spectral conversion function arguments. |
SpectralUnmixingFunction | The spectral unmixing function. |
SpectralUnmixingFunctionArguments | A class for Spectral Unmixing function arguments. |
SplineXform | A Thin Plate Spline transform class. |
SplitMergedItemsParameters | An object that controls how merged mosaic dataset items are split. |
SPOT5Xform | A SPOT5 1A transform class. |
Spot6FileCrawler | A crawler for SPOT 6 files. |
SpotBuilder | A raster builder for SPOT files |
StatisticsFunction | A class for a statistic raster function. |
StatisticsFunctionArguments | A class for statistics raster function arguments. |
StatisticsHistogramFunction | A class for a statistics and histogram raster function. |
StatisticsHistogramFunctionArguments | A class for statistics and histogram raster function arguments. |
StatsHistogram | A raster statistics and histogram class. |
StockFrequencyDistributionHistogram | A class for stock frequency distribution histogram. |
StretchFunction | A class for a stretch raster function. |
StretchFunctionArguments | A class for stretch raster function arguments. |
SubsetBandsFunction | The Subset Bands raster function class. |
SubsetBandsFunctionArguments | The Subset Bands raster function arguments class. |
SuperViewBuilder | A raster builder for SuperView-1 files. |
SuperViewFileCrawler | A crawler for SuperView-1 files. |
SwathFunction | A class for the swath function. |
SwathFunctionArguments | A class for the swath function arguments. |
SynchronizeParameters | An object that controls how items in a mosaic dataset are synchronized. |
TableBuilder | A raster builder for tables. |
TableCrawler | A crawler for tables. |
TableFunction | A class for a table raster function. |
TableFunctionArguments | A class for table raster function arguments. |
TerrainBuilder | A raster builder for Terrain data. |
TerrainFlattenFunction | A class for Radiometric Terrain Flatten function. |
TerrainFlattenFunctionArguments | A class for Radiometric Terrain Flatten function arguments. |
ThermalNoiseRemovalFunction | A class for SAR thermal noise removal function |
ThresholdFunction | A class for a binary thresholding function. |
ThresholdFunctionArguments | A class for binary thresholding function arguments. |
TiePoint | The Image Tie Point class. |
TiePointCollection | The Image Tie point collection class. |
TOPSARSplitFunction | A class for TOPSAR Split raster function. |
TOPSARSplitFunctionArguments | A class for TOPSAR Split raster function arguments. |
TransposeBitsFunction | A class for a function raster dataset name. |
TransposeBitsFunctionArguments | A class for a function raster dataset. |
TrendFunction | The Trend function. |
TrendFunctionArguments | The Trend function arguments. |
UavUasBuilder | The generic UAV/UAS raster builder object. |
UniqueValues | A raster unique value class. |
UnitConversionFunction | The Unit Conversion function. |
UnitConversionFunctionArguments | A class for Unit Conversion raster function arguments. |
URIProductNameFilter | A URI filter object for product names. |
URIPropertiesFilter | A URI filter that uses property names and values for filtering out incoming item URIs. |
VectorFieldFunction | A class for vector field raster function. |
VectorFieldFunctionArguments | A class for vector field raster function arguments. |
VolumeMeasurement | Implements interface IVolumeMeasurement (volume measurement and its associated uncertainty information). |
Enumeration | Description |
esriAngleReferenceSystem | The Angle Reference system |
esriApplanixCameraModel | Applanix DSS camera models. |
esriArgStatisticsComparisonType | The types of comparisons for argument value statistic type. |
esriArgStatisticsType | The types of arg statistics. |
esriAsyncRetrievalState | Tile retrieval state. Applicable to asynchronous retrieval from cached datasets only. |
esriBlendType | Type of blending to be applied while mosaicking images |
esriBlendWidthUnits | Unit of blend width used while mosaicking images |
esriBuildFootprintsMethods | The types of build footprints methods. |
esriBuildSeamlinesMethod | The types of build seamlines methods. |
esriCachedRasterCompressionType | The supported compression types for cached rasters. |
esriCellSizeLevelCategory | Possible categories in a cell size levels table; this indicates |
esriCellsizeType | Different ways of estimating cellsize. |
esriColorspaceConversionType | The raster colorspace conversion types. |
esriComputeChangeKeepMethod | The Compute Change Keep Method. |
esriComputeChangeMethod | The Compute Change Methods. |
esriComputeChangeUseColorMethod | The Compute Change Use Color Method. |
esriContourType | The contour types. |
esriCrawlerDataSourceType | Possible input and output types associated with a data source crawler. |
esriCurvatureType | Curvature types. |
esriDisplayCoordUnitType | Display coordinate units for points supported by the Esri Mensuration System. |
esriDistortionType | Types of Distortions. |
esriDuplicateItemsAction | Duplicate resolution methods while adding rasters to a mosaic dataset. |
esriExtentType | Different ways of estimating extents. |
esriExtractBandsMethod | The band extraction method. |
esriFocalStatisticType | The statistic types for focal stattistics raster function. |
esriFrameCameraUnits | Units for focal length and principal point |
esriFunctionRasterDatasetProperty | The supported list of properties stored in the function raster dataset. |
esriGeoAnalysisAnalysisTargetDeviceEnum | GeoAnalyst Analysis Target Device. |
esriGeodataXformApplyMethod | The method for applying an Xform. |
esriGeometrySimplificationMethod | Methods for simplifying geometry. |
esriGeoTransTypeEnum | The geometric transformation types. |
esriImageAdjustmentType | The image adjustment types. |
esriImageBlockingType | The image blocking types. |
esriImportGeometryTarget | Targets of import geometry operation on a mosaic datasets. |
esriInterpolateByDimMethod | The interpolate by dimension method. |
esriInterpolateIrregularDataMethod | The interpolation methods for InterpolateIrregularDataFunction. |
esriMatchPointRefinementType | The match point refinement types. |
esriMissingBandAction | Possible options when a requested band is not found. |
esriMosaicCandidateType | How raster data is used for orthophoto. |
esriMosaicDatasetErrors | Error codes related to mosaic dataset hierarchy |
esriMosaicDatasetSideTable | Mosaic dataset side-tables |
esriMosaicMethod | The raster mosaic methods. |
esriNoDataInterpretation | The NoData interpretations. |
esriPansharpeningType | The pansharpening filter types. |
esriPixelNeighborhood | The pixel neighborhood. |
esriRadarCalibration | Radiometric calibration for radar imagery. |
esriRadarPolarization | Available polarization options for Radarsat-2 imagery. |
esriRaster3DToRasterFunctionErrors | Error codes related to 3D to raster functions. |
esriRasterArithmeticOperation | The raster Binary operations. |
esriRasterBandArithmeticMethod | The band arithmetic method. |
esriRasterCatalogItemCategory | Possible raster categories in a mosaic dataset. |
esriRasterCatalogType | The types of raster catalogs that can be associated with a mosaic datset. |
esriRasterCellSizeProjectionEnum | cell size projection methods |
esriRasterClippingType | The raster clipping types. |
esriRasterColorInterpretation | The color interpretation. |
esriRasterDimensionDefinitionType | Dimension Definition Type. |
esriRasterError | The raster related error codes. |
esriRasterFilterTypeEnum | The raster convolution filter types. |
esriRasterFormatSupportLevel | Raster format support level. |
esriRasterFunctionErrors | Error codes related to raster function hierarchy. |
esriRasterFunctionTemplateType | The raster function template types. |
esriRasterizeResolveOverlapMethod | |
esriRasterKonradyType | The frame camera Konrady coefficient type. |
esriRasterLasCellAggregationType | Cell aggregation type. |
esriRasterLasClassType | The class types for Las to raster function. |
esriRasterLasDataType | Data type. |
esriRasterLasReturnType | The return types for Las to raster function. |
esriRasterLasVoidFillMethod | Void fill method. |
esriRasterLayout | The multidimensional raster layout. |
esriRasterLoaderError | Error codes for the IRasterLoaderError event source. |
esriRasterPaintMethod | The method used to paint the raster. |
esriRasterPrjMethodTypeEnum | The raster projection types. |
esriRasterProperties | Raster properties. |
esriRasterRedactionMethod | |
esriRasterRemoveHazeMethod | Remove haze method. |
esriRasterSARIndex | The SAR indices. |
esriRasterSdePyramidOptEnum | Raster SDE pyramid creation options. |
esriRasterStretchType | The stretch types for stretch raster function. |
esriRasterThresholdType | Enumeration of binary thresholding methods. |
esriReferenceGeoidType | Reference geoids supported by the Esri Mensuration System Terrain Model. |
esriRemapTableType | The remap table types. |
esriRequestSizeType | The request size type used while building seamlines. |
esriSlopeType | The output slope type. |
esriSpeckleFilterKernel | The size of the speckle filter kernel. |
esriSpeckleFilterType | The speckle filter types. |
esriSpeckleNoiseModel | The speckle noise models. These are used only for Lee speckle filter |
esriTileState | Cached tile state. |
esriVolumeUnits | Units for volume measurement. |
rstMosaicColormapMode | The mode for mosaicking pseudocolor raster datasets. |
rstMosaicOperatorType | Supported types of raster merging operations. |
rstRepresentationType | The raster representation type. |