
Defines a defined interval classification method.


The DefinedInterval coclass represents a defined interval classification; this divides a set of attribute values into classes that are divided by precise numeric increments, such as 10, 100, or 500.

This classification works well for values that people are accustomed to seeing in rounded numbers, such as age distribution, income level, or elevation ranges. The disadvantage is that some of the classes, particularly the first and last, may contain a disproportionate number of values.

Set up the data values with IClassify::SetHistogramData then use the IIntervalRange interface to retrieve a default interval or to set a different interval. This would typically be the maximum data value divided by five, so by default you will have five classes. To override this, set a different interval into the IntervalRange property. When you are calling IClassify::Classify, the number of classes returned depends on the maximum data value divided by the interval.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux


Interfaces Description
IClassify Provides access to members that control the classification methods.
IClassifyGEN Provides access to members that control classification.
IClassifyMinMax Provides access to members that control the classification methods that require only a minimum and maximum value to classify.
IClassifyMinMax2 Provides access to members that control the classification methods that require a data range only.
IIntervalRange Provides access to members that control classifications that need an interval range.
IIntervalRange2 Provides access to members that control classifications that need an interval range.

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