
A geometric transform class.


The GeometricXform is a geodata transformation object based on the transformations defined in the Geometry library (AffineTransformation2D, ProjectiveTransformation2D, etc.). It is a wrapper of these classes and allows these classes to be incorporated in the geodata transformation pipeline.


Interfaces Description
IClone (esriSystem) Provides access to members that control cloning of objects.
IDocumentVersionSupportGEN (esriSystem) Provides access to extend the IObjectStream interface with methods to hande saving objects that did not exist in previous versions of the software.
IGeometricXform Provides access to members that control a geometric transform.
IPersistStream (esriSystem)
ITransformation (esriGeometry) Provides access to members that apply a function (or its inverse) to a set of points or measures. The suffix of each method indicates the type of parameters operated on.
IXMLVersionSupport (esriSystem) Provides access to members that help in serializing an object to different namespaces (versions).

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