IBuildFootprintsByRadiometryParameters Interface

Provides access to members that control parameters to the build footprints by Radiometry operation.


Name Description
Read/write property MaximumValidDataValue The maximum valid pixel value.
Read/write property MaximumVertices The maximum number of vertices in the computed footprint geometry.
Read/write property MinimumRegionSize The minimum number of pixels used for computing valid region.
Read/write property MinimumValidDataValue The minimum valid pixel value.
Read/write property RequestSize The recommended number of pixels (in any one dimension) of the resampled raster requested off the dataset associated with each selected item. A lower value in this parameter translates to a lower resolution raster and results in a coarser footprint geometry.

IBuildFootprintsByRadiometryParameters.MaximumValidDataValue Property

The maximum valid pixel value.

Public Property MaximumValidDataValue As Double
public double MaximumValidDataValue {get; set;}

IBuildFootprintsByRadiometryParameters.MaximumVertices Property

The maximum number of vertices in the computed footprint geometry.

Public Property MaximumVertices As Integer
public int MaximumVertices {get; set;}

IBuildFootprintsByRadiometryParameters.MinimumRegionSize Property

The minimum number of pixels used for computing valid region.

Public Property MinimumRegionSize As Integer
public int MinimumRegionSize {get; set;}

IBuildFootprintsByRadiometryParameters.MinimumValidDataValue Property

The minimum valid pixel value.

Public Property MinimumValidDataValue As Double
public double MinimumValidDataValue {get; set;}

IBuildFootprintsByRadiometryParameters.RequestSize Property

The recommended number of pixels (in any one dimension) of the resampled raster requested off the dataset associated with each selected item. A lower value in this parameter translates to a lower resolution raster and results in a coarser footprint geometry.

Public Property RequestSize As Integer
public int RequestSize {get; set;}

Classes that implement IBuildFootprintsByRadiometryParameters

Classes Description
BuildFootprintsParameters An object that controls how footrints of items in a mosaic dataset are computed.

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