ICadDrawingLayers Interface

Provides access to properties that give information on the layers in the CAD drawing.


Name Description
Read-only property DrawingLayerCount The number of layers in the CAD drawing.
Read-only property DrawingLayerName The name of the CAD drawing layer at the specified index.
Read/write property DrawingLayerVisible Indicates if the specified CAD drawing layer visible in the CAD layer in ArcMap.
Read-only property OriginalDrawingLayerVisible Indicates if the specified CAD drawing layer visible in the CAD drawing itself.

ICadDrawingLayers.DrawingLayerCount Property

The number of layers in the CAD drawing.

Public ReadOnly Property DrawingLayerCount As Integer
public int DrawingLayerCount {get;}

ICadDrawingLayers.DrawingLayerName Property

The name of the CAD drawing layer at the specified index.

Public Function get_DrawingLayerName ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer _
) As String
public string get_DrawingLayerName (
    int Index

ICadDrawingLayers.DrawingLayerVisible Property

Indicates if the specified CAD drawing layer visible in the CAD layer in ArcMap.

Public Function get_DrawingLayerVisible ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer _
) As Boolean
Public Sub set_DrawingLayerVisible ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer, _
    ByVal Visible As Boolean _
public bool get_DrawingLayerVisible (
    int Index
public void set_DrawingLayerVisible (
    int Index,
    bool Visible

ICadDrawingLayers.OriginalDrawingLayerVisible Property

Indicates if the specified CAD drawing layer visible in the CAD drawing itself.

Public Function get_OriginalDrawingLayerVisible ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer _
) As Boolean
public bool get_OriginalDrawingLayerVisible (
    int Index

Classes that implement ICadDrawingLayers

Classes Description

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