IClassExtension Interface

Provides access to members that initialize and shutdown the class extension.


Required interface for class extensions. Class extensions should implement behavior that pertains to a specific object or feature class in a geodatabase.

When To Use

IClassExtension should be implemented by all object class and feature class extensions.


Name Description
Method Init Initializes the extension, passing in a reference to its class helper.
Method Shutdown Informs the extension that its class helper is going away.

IClassExtension.Init Method

Initializes the extension, passing in a reference to its class helper.

Public Sub Init ( _
    ByVal ClassHelper As IClassHelper, _
    ByVal ExtensionProperties As IPropertySet _
public void Init (
    IClassHelper ClassHelper,
    IPropertySet ExtensionProperties


If a reference to the class is required by other class extension members, the class helper should be stored in a member variable. Storing an object or feature class directly within a class extension is strongly discouraged.

IClassExtension.Shutdown Method

Informs the extension that its class helper is going away.

Public Sub Shutdown ( _
public void Shutdown (


Shutdown is called when the extension's class is cleared from the client's memory, or when the extension is removed from the class. Note that if a class is deleted from a geodatabase, it may remain in memory, so this should not be relied upon for behavior that should be triggered by a class' deletion.

Classes that implement IClassExtension

Classes Description

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