IConstructGeometryCollection Interface

Provides access to members that construct a collection of geometries.


Name Description
Method ConstructDivideEqual Locates additional points equally spaced along the input polyline, and create either new segments, parts or polylines depending on the value of divideHow.
Method ConstructDivideLength Locates additional points along the input polyline, spaced at a specified interval, and create either new segments, parts, or polylines depending on the value of divideHow.

IConstructGeometryCollection.ConstructDivideEqual Method

Locates additional points equally spaced along the input polyline, and create either new segments, parts or polylines depending on the value of divideHow.

Public Sub ConstructDivideEqual ( _
    ByVal divideSource As IPolyline, _
    ByVal numDivisions As Integer, _
    ByVal divideHow As esriConstructDivideEnum _
public void ConstructDivideEqual (
    IPolyline divideSource,
    int numDivisions,
    esriConstructDivideEnum divideHow

IConstructGeometryCollection.ConstructDivideLength Method

Locates additional points along the input polyline, spaced at a specified interval, and create either new segments, parts, or polylines depending on the value of divideHow.

Public Sub ConstructDivideLength ( _
    ByVal divideSource As IPolyline, _
    ByVal Length As Double, _
    ByVal asRatio As Boolean, _
    ByVal divideHow As esriConstructDivideEnum _
public void ConstructDivideLength (
    IPolyline divideSource,
    double Length,
    bool asRatio,
    esriConstructDivideEnum divideHow

Classes that implement IConstructGeometryCollection

Classes Description
GeometryBag An ordered collection of objects that support the IGeometry interface.

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