IFunctionalSurface3 Interface

Provides access to members that allow fuller interpolation of polygonal patches.


Name Description
Method InterpolateAsMultiPatch Interpolate the input Polygon and output as a Multipatch.
Method InterpolateShape Interpolates z values for a defined geometric shape.

IFunctionalSurface3.InterpolateAsMultiPatch Method

Interpolate the input Polygon and output as a Multipatch.

Public Sub InterpolateAsMultiPatch ( _
    ByVal pShape As IPolygon, _
    ByVal maxStripSize As Integer, _
    ByRef ppMultiPatch As IMultiPatch _
public void InterpolateAsMultiPatch (
    IPolygon pShape,
    int maxStripSize,
    ref IMultiPatch ppMultiPatch

IFunctionalSurface3.InterpolateShape Method

Interpolates z values for a defined geometric shape.

Public Sub InterpolateShape ( _
    ByVal pShape As IGeometry, _
    ByRef ppOutShape As IGeometry, _
    [ByRef pStepSize As Object] _
public void InterpolateShape (
    IGeometry pShape,
    ref IGeometry ppOutShape,
    ref object pStepSize

Classes that implement IFunctionalSurface3

Classes Description
Tin (esriGeoDatabase) The Esri TIN component.

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