ILocaleInfo Interface

Provides access to members that control the locale information.


Name Description
Read/write property CountryID Obtains country identifier.
Read/write property CountryName English name of country.
Read/write property DisplayName English display name of the locale.
Read/write property LanguageID Obtains language identifier.
Read/write property LanguageName English name of language.
Read/write property LocaleID Obtains locale unique identifier.
Read/write property LocalizedCountryName Localized name of country.
Read/write property LocalizedDisplayName Localized display name of the locale.
Read/write property LocalizedLanguageName Localized name of language.
Read/write property NativeCountryName Native name of country.
Read/write property NativeLanguageName Native name of language.

ILocaleInfo.CountryID Property

Obtains country identifier.

Public Property CountryID As Integer
public int CountryID {get; set;}

ILocaleInfo.CountryName Property

English name of country.

Public Property CountryName As String
public string CountryName {get; set;}

ILocaleInfo.DisplayName Property

English display name of the locale.

Public Property DisplayName As String
public string DisplayName {get; set;}

ILocaleInfo.LanguageID Property

Obtains language identifier.

Public Property LanguageID As Integer
public int LanguageID {get; set;}

ILocaleInfo.LanguageName Property

English name of language.

Public Property LanguageName As String
public string LanguageName {get; set;}

ILocaleInfo.LocaleID Property

Obtains locale unique identifier.

Public Property LocaleID As Integer
public int LocaleID {get; set;}

ILocaleInfo.LocalizedCountryName Property

Localized name of country.

Public Property LocalizedCountryName As String
public string LocalizedCountryName {get; set;}

ILocaleInfo.LocalizedDisplayName Property

Localized display name of the locale.

Public Property LocalizedDisplayName As String
public string LocalizedDisplayName {get; set;}

ILocaleInfo.LocalizedLanguageName Property

Localized name of language.

Public Property LocalizedLanguageName As String
public string LocalizedLanguageName {get; set;}

ILocaleInfo.NativeCountryName Property

Native name of country.

Public Property NativeCountryName As String
public string NativeCountryName {get; set;}

ILocaleInfo.NativeLanguageName Property

Native name of language.

Public Property NativeLanguageName As String
public string NativeLanguageName {get; set;}

Classes that implement ILocaleInfo

Classes Description
LocaleInfo An object that represents a locale info.

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