INDVIFunctionArguments2 Interface

Provides access to members that control NDVI function arguments.


Name Description
Read/write property InfraredBandID The infrared band id.
Read/write property InfraredBandName Infrared band name.
Read/write property InfraredBandWavelength Infrared band wavelength.
Read/write property MissingBandAction Indicates how the raster function behaves when a request band (specified by index, name, or wavelength) is not found in the input raster.
Read/write property Raster The input raster.
Read/write property VisibleBandID The visible band id.
Read/write property VisibleBandName Visible band name.
Read/write property VisibleBandWavelength Visible band wavelength.
Read/write property WavelengthMatchTolerance The wavelength tolerance value in nanometers. For a raster band to be associated with a requested wavelength, the two wavelengths must lie within this tolerance.

INDVIFunctionArguments2.InfraredBandName Property

Infrared band name.

Public Property InfraredBandName As String
public string InfraredBandName {get; set;}

INDVIFunctionArguments2.InfraredBandWavelength Property

Infrared band wavelength.

Public Property InfraredBandWavelength As Double
public double InfraredBandWavelength {get; set;}

INDVIFunctionArguments2.MissingBandAction Property

Indicates how the raster function behaves when a request band (specified by index, name, or wavelength) is not found in the input raster.

Public Property MissingBandAction As esriMissingBandAction
public esriMissingBandAction MissingBandAction {get; set;}

INDVIFunctionArguments2.VisibleBandName Property

Visible band name.

Public Property VisibleBandName As String
public string VisibleBandName {get; set;}

INDVIFunctionArguments2.VisibleBandWavelength Property

Visible band wavelength.

Public Property VisibleBandWavelength As Double
public double VisibleBandWavelength {get; set;}

INDVIFunctionArguments2.WavelengthMatchTolerance Property

The wavelength tolerance value in nanometers. For a raster band to be associated with a requested wavelength, the two wavelengths must lie within this tolerance.

Public Property WavelengthMatchTolerance As Double
public double WavelengthMatchTolerance {get; set;}

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
INDVIFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control NDVI function arguments.

Classes that implement INDVIFunctionArguments2

Classes Description
NDVIFunctionArguments A class for NDVI raster function arguments.

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