INetworkDiagramLayout Interface

Provides access to members that control the network diagram layout.


Name Description
Read/write property IsActive Indicates whether the network diagram layout is active.
Read-only property Name The name of the network diagram layout.
Read/write property PreserveContainers Indicates whether the network diagram layout must preserve the containers.
Read-only property PropertySet The network diagram layout parameters returned as a property set

INetworkDiagramLayout.IsActive Property

Indicates whether the network diagram layout is active.

Public Property IsActive As Boolean
public bool IsActive {get; set;}

INetworkDiagramLayout.Name Property

The name of the network diagram layout.

Public ReadOnly Property Name As String
public string Name {get;}

INetworkDiagramLayout.PreserveContainers Property

Indicates whether the network diagram layout must preserve the containers.

Public Property PreserveContainers As Boolean
public bool PreserveContainers {get; set;}

INetworkDiagramLayout.PropertySet Property

The network diagram layout parameters returned as a property set.

Public ReadOnly Property PropertySet As IPropertySet
public IPropertySet PropertySet {get;}

Classes that implement INetworkDiagramLayout

Classes Description

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