INetworkScriptEvaluator Interface

Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network attribute evaluator whose values are derived from VBScript expressions.


Name Description
Read/write property Expression Sets the VBScript calculator expression for this network evaluator.
Read/write property ExpressionPreLogic Sets the pre-logic used to derive the values for this network evaluator.
Read/write property Language Sets the script language

INetworkScriptEvaluator.Expression Property

Sets the VBScript calculator expression for this network evaluator.

Public Property Expression As String
public string Expression {get; set;}

INetworkScriptEvaluator.ExpressionPreLogic Property

Sets the pre-logic used to derive the values for this network evaluator.

Public Property ExpressionPreLogic As String
public string ExpressionPreLogic {get; set;}

INetworkScriptEvaluator.Language Property

Sets the script language.

Public Property Language As String
public string Language {get; set;}

Classes that implement INetworkScriptEvaluator

Classes Description
NetworkScriptEvaluator A container for describing a network attribute evaluator whose values are derived from VBScript expressions.


The INetworkScriptEvaluator interface accesses the code used by a NetworkScriptEvaluator object for calculating the attribute value for a network element. Any setup computations needed prior to calculate the attribute value are specified in the preLogic parameter. The value of the attribute is computed from the expression.

The example below shows the preLogic and expression for penalizing all left turns 20 seconds:

  • PreLogic:
  addedTime = 0
        a = Turn.Angle
        If a > 210 And a < 330 Then
          addedTime = 20
        End If
  • Expression:

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