IParseNameString Interface

Provides access to members that parse Name strings.


Name Description
Method CanParse Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser.
Method Parse Parses the name string and returns a new Name object.

IParseNameString.CanParse Method

Indicates if the given name string can be parsed by this parser.

Public Function CanParse ( _
    ByVal NameString As String _
) As Boolean
public bool CanParse (
    string NameString


Indicates if the given string can be parsed by this parser. Use the CanParse method before using the Parse method.

IParseNameString.Parse Method

Parses the name string and returns a new Name object.

Public Function Parse ( _
    ByVal NameString As String _
) As IName
public IName Parse (
    string NameString


Returns a new Name object by parsing the given string. Use the CanParse method first to ensure the string can be parsed.

Classes that implement IParseNameString

Classes Description
VpfWorkspaceFactory (esriDataSourcesFile) Esri VPF Workspace Factory

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