IRasterCatalogHelper Interface

Provides access to a RasterCatalog helper.


Name Description
Method UpdateFootprint Updates RasterCatalog footprint.
Method UpdateFootprintSpatialReference Updates RasterCatalog footprint spatial reference.

IRasterCatalogHelper.UpdateFootprint Method

Updates RasterCatalog footprint.

Public Sub UpdateFootprint ( _
    ByVal Catalog As IRasterCatalog _
public void UpdateFootprint (
    IRasterCatalog Catalog

IRasterCatalogHelper.UpdateFootprintSpatialReference Method

Updates RasterCatalog footprint spatial reference.

Public Sub UpdateFootprintSpatialReference ( _
    ByVal Catalog As IRasterCatalog _
public void UpdateFootprintSpatialReference (
    IRasterCatalog Catalog

Classes that implement IRasterCatalogHelper

Classes Description
RasterCatalogHelper A helper for RasterCatalog.


IRasterCatalogHelper provides the function to update footprints of a raster catalog and the spatial reference of the footprint column.

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