IRasterStatistics2 Interface

Provides access to members that control raster statistics.


Name Description
Read/write property Covariances Array of doubles, the covariances with the n bands of the raster.
Read/write property IgnoredValues Array of doubles indicating the pixel values not included in the statistics calculation.
Read/write property IsValid Indicates if statistics are fresh.
Read/write property Maximum Approximate largest value.
Read/write property Mean Approximate average value.
Read-only property Median Divides pixel population approximately in halves.
Read/write property Minimum Approximate smallest value.
Read-only property Mode Approximate most popular pixel value.
Write-only property RasterBand The RasterBand.
Method Recalculate Recalculate statistics based upon current skip factors and ignored values.
Read/write property SkipFactorX Number of horizontal pixels between samples for purposes of calculating statistics.
Read/write property SkipFactorY Number of vertical pixels between samples for purposes of calculating statistics.
Read/write property StandardDeviation Measures spread of pixel values about the mean.

IRasterStatistics2.Covariances Property

Array of doubles, the covariances with the n bands of the raster.

Public Property Covariances As Object
public object Covariances {get; set;}

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IRasterStatistics Provides access to members that control raster statistics.

Classes that implement IRasterStatistics2

Classes Description
RasterStatistics A raster statistics class.

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