IStatisticsRequest Interface

Provides access to properties describing a request for statistics.


Name Description
Read/write property GroupByFields Comma-separated list of GROUP BY fields.
Read/write property HavingClause HAVING clause (minus the keyword itself).
Read/write property OrderByFields Comma-separated list of ORDER BY fields (with ASC or DESC specifiers).
Read/write property StatisticDescriptions The array of descriptions for individual statistics.

IStatisticsRequest.GroupByFields Property

Comma-separated list of GROUP BY fields.

Public Property GroupByFields As String
public string GroupByFields {get; set;}

IStatisticsRequest.HavingClause Property

HAVING clause (minus the keyword itself).

Public Property HavingClause As String
public string HavingClause {get; set;}

IStatisticsRequest.OrderByFields Property

Comma-separated list of ORDER BY fields (with ASC or DESC specifiers).

Public Property OrderByFields As String
public string OrderByFields {get; set;}

IStatisticsRequest.StatisticDescriptions Property

The array of descriptions for individual statistics.

Public Property StatisticDescriptions As IStatisticDescriptions
public IStatisticDescriptions StatisticDescriptions {get; set;}

Classes that implement IStatisticsRequest

Classes Description
StatisticsRequest (esriCarto) A request of statistics from a Map Server.

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