ITemporalQueryFilter Interface

Provides access to properties and methods needed to manage temporal query filters.


Name Description
Read/write property EndingDate Indicates the latest date included in the query.
Read/write property RelativeTimeOperator The object that contains a relative time to offset the temporal values.
Read/write property StartingDate Indicates the earliest date included in the query.
Read/write property TemporalConversion The temporal conversion mode to use (if any) by the temporal query.
Read/write property TemporalOrder Defines order in which temporal records are sorted.
Read/write property TemporalRelationship The temporal relation used in the temporal query.

ITemporalQueryFilter.EndingDate Property

Indicates the latest date included in the query.

Public Property EndingDate As Object
public object EndingDate {get; set;}

ITemporalQueryFilter.RelativeTimeOperator Property

The object that contains a relative time to offset the temporal values.

Public Property RelativeTimeOperator As ITemporalOperator
public ITemporalOperator RelativeTimeOperator {get; set;}

ITemporalQueryFilter.StartingDate Property

Indicates the earliest date included in the query.

Public Property StartingDate As Object
public object StartingDate {get; set;}

ITemporalQueryFilter.TemporalConversion Property

The temporal conversion mode to use (if any) by the temporal query.

Public Property TemporalConversion As enumTemporalConversion
public enumTemporalConversion TemporalConversion {get; set;}

ITemporalQueryFilter.TemporalOrder Property

Defines order in which temporal records are sorted.

Public Property TemporalOrder As enumTemporalOrder
public enumTemporalOrder TemporalOrder {get; set;}

ITemporalQueryFilter.TemporalRelationship Property

The temporal relation used in the temporal query.

Public Property TemporalRelationship As enumTemporalRelation
public enumTemporalRelation TemporalRelationship {get; set;}

Classes that implement ITemporalQueryFilter

Classes Description

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