Provides access to members that control the Time.
Name | Description | |
Compare | Compares this time to the other time. Returns -1 if this time's value is less, 1 if greater, and 0 otherwise. | |
Day | The time's gregorian day. | |
DayOfWeek | The day number of the week, starting with 1 for Sunday. | |
DayOfYear | The day number of the year, starting with 1 for the first day of the year. | |
Hour | The time's hour. | |
Minute | The time's minute. | |
Month | The time's gregorian month. | |
Nanoseconds | The time's nanoseconds. | |
QueryDayFraction | The time's time portion as a day fraction. Corresponds to the Hour, Minute, Second, and Nanoseconds properties. | |
QueryGregorianTime | Obtains the time as a gregorian date and time. | |
QueryIntegerTime | Obtains the time as an integer time. | |
QueryJulianDayNumber | The Time's date portion as a julian (Julius Scaliger) day number. Corresponds to the Year, Month, and Day properties. | |
QueryNanosecondsSinceMidnight | The time's time portion as the number of nanoseconds elapsed since midnight. Corresponds to the Hour, Minute, Second, and Nanoseconds properties. | |
QueryOleTime | Obtains the time as an OLE automation date object. | |
QueryTicks | Obtains the time as the number of ticks since January 1, 0001 AD (Anno Domini). | |
QueryTimeString | Obtains the time as a string, based on the given time string format. | |
QueryTimeStringCurrentLocale | Obtains the time as a string, based on the current locale. | |
QueryTimeStringCustom | Obtains the time as a string, based on the given custom time string format, and locale properties. | |
QueryXMLTimeString | Obtains the time as an XML time string. | |
Second | The time's second. | |
SetDayFraction | The time's time portion as a day fraction. Corresponds to the Hour, Minute, Second, and Nanoseconds properties. | |
SetFromCurrentLocalTime | Writes the time to the current date and time on this machine, expressed as the local time. | |
SetFromCurrentUtcTime | Writes the time to the current date and time on this machine, expressed as the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). | |
SetFromGregorianTime | Obtains the time from a given gregorian date and time value. | |
SetFromIntegerTime | Writes the time from an integer time. | |
SetFromObject | Writes the time from a variant object. | |
SetFromOleTime | Writes the time from an OLE automation date object. | |
SetFromTicks | Writes the time from a given number of ticks since January 1, 0001 AD (Anno Domini) value. | |
SetFromTimeString | Writes the time from a string, based on the given time string format. | |
SetFromTimeStringCurrentLocale | Obtains the time from a string, based on the current locale. | |
SetFromTimeStringCustom | Writes the time from a string, based on the given custom time string formats, and locale properties. | |
SetFromXMLTimeString | Writes the time from an XML time string. | |
SetJulianDayNumber | The Time's date portion as a julian (Julius Scaliger) day number. Corresponds to the Year, Month, and Day properties. | |
SetNanosecondsSinceMidnight | The time's time portion as the number of nanoseconds elapsed since midnight. Corresponds to the Hour, Minute, Second, and Nanoseconds properties. | |
SnapToEndOfMonth | Adjust the day value, to the last day in the current month and year. | |
SubtractTime | Subtracts a given time, and returns the time duration result. | |
ToLocal | Converts the time from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) value to local (to this machine) time. | |
ToUTC | Converts the time from local (to this machine) time value to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). | |
WeekOfMonth | The week number of the month, starting with 1 for the first week of the month. Use startDayOfWeek = 1 to specify that weeks start on Sunday, and 2 on Monday. | |
WeekOfYear | The week number of the year, starting with 1 for first week of the year. Use startDayOfWeek = 1 to specify that weeks start on Sunday, and 2 on Monday. | |
Year | The time's gregorian year. |
ITime2.DayOfWeek Property
The day number of the week, starting with 1 for Sunday.
Public ReadOnly Property DayOfWeek As Short
public short DayOfWeek {get;}
ITime2.DayOfYear Property
The day number of the year, starting with 1 for the first day of the year.
Public ReadOnly Property DayOfYear As Short
public short DayOfYear {get;}
ITime2.WeekOfMonth Property
The week number of the month, starting with 1 for the first week of the month. Use startDayOfWeek = 1 to specify that weeks start on Sunday, and 2 on Monday.
Public Function get_WeekOfMonth ( _
    ByVal startDayOfWeek As Short _
) As Short
public short get_WeekOfMonth (
    short startDayOfWeek
ITime2.WeekOfYear Property
The week number of the year, starting with 1 for first week of the year. Use startDayOfWeek = 1 to specify that weeks start on Sunday, and 2 on Monday.
Public Function get_WeekOfYear ( _
    ByVal startDayOfWeek As Short _
) As Short
public short get_WeekOfYear (
    short startDayOfWeek
Inherited Interfaces
Interfaces | Description |
ITime | Provides access to members that control the Time. |
Classes that implement ITime2
Classes | Description |
Time | An object that represents a date and time value. |