ITimeReference Interface

Provides access to members that control the Time Reference.


The ITimeReference interface provides analogous functionality to the spatial reference. It provides a context for the scalar value contained in ITimeValue. It stores all of the time zone information and all of the daylight savings time information related to a system of time. Note that the TimeZoneInfo can contain several years worth of rules, which are different from one year to the next.


Name Description
Method Project Projects a given time, from this time reference, to a given time reference.
Method ProjectFromUTC Projects a given time, from UTC to this time reference.
Method ProjectToUTC Projects a given time, from this time reference, to UTC.
Read/write property RespectsDaylightSavingTime Indicates whether the time reference respects daylight saving time.
Read/write property RespectsDynamicAdjustmentRules Indicates whether the time reference respects dynamic adjustment rules.
Read/write property TimeZoneIanaID Time zone IANA ID name.
Read/write property TimeZoneInfo The time zone information associated with the time reference.

ITimeReference.Project Method

Projects a given time, from this time reference, to a given time reference.

Public Sub Project ( _
    ByVal Time As ITime, _
    ByVal otherTimeReference As ITimeReference _
public void Project (
    ITime Time,
    ITimeReference otherTimeReference

ITimeReference.ProjectFromUTC Method

Projects a given time, from UTC to this time reference.

Public Sub ProjectFromUTC ( _
    ByVal Time As ITime _
public void ProjectFromUTC (
    ITime Time

ITimeReference.ProjectToUTC Method

Projects a given time, from this time reference, to UTC.

Public Sub ProjectToUTC ( _
    ByVal Time As ITime _
public void ProjectToUTC (
    ITime Time

ITimeReference.RespectsDaylightSavingTime Property

Indicates whether the time reference respects daylight saving time.

Public Property RespectsDaylightSavingTime As Boolean
public bool RespectsDaylightSavingTime {get; set;}

ITimeReference.RespectsDynamicAdjustmentRules Property

Indicates whether the time reference respects dynamic adjustment rules.

Public Property RespectsDynamicAdjustmentRules As Boolean
public bool RespectsDynamicAdjustmentRules {get; set;}

ITimeReference.TimeZoneIanaID Property

Time zone IANA ID name.

Public Property TimeZoneIanaID As String
public string TimeZoneIanaID {get; set;}

ITimeReference.TimeZoneInfo Property

The time zone information associated with the time reference.

Public Property TimeZoneInfo As ITimeZoneInfo
public ITimeZoneInfo TimeZoneInfo {get; set;}

Classes that implement ITimeReference

Classes Description
TimeReference An object that represents a time reference, including a time zone.

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