ITopologyName Interface

Provides access to members that control the topology name.


Name Description
Read-only property DirtyAreasName Dirty areas name object.
Read/write property FeatureDatasetName Name of feature dataset containing the topology.
Read-only property TopologyErrorName Name of class holding errors for the specified geometry type.

ITopologyName.DirtyAreasName Property

Dirty areas name object.

Public ReadOnly Property DirtyAreasName As IName
public IName DirtyAreasName {get;}


Returns the Name object of the FeatureClass storing the DirtyAreas in the Topology.

ITopologyName.FeatureDatasetName Property

Name of feature dataset containing the topology.

Public Property FeatureDatasetName As IDatasetName
public IDatasetName FeatureDatasetName {get; set;}

ITopologyName.TopologyErrorName Property

Name of class holding errors for the specified geometry type.

Public Function get_TopologyErrorName ( _
    ByVal GeometryType As esriGeometryType _
) As IName
public IName get_TopologyErrorName (
    esriGeometryType GeometryType


Returns the names of FeatureClasses holding the TopologyErrors. Valid GeometryTypes are: esriGeometryPoint, esriGeometryPolyline, esriGeometryPolygon.

Classes that implement ITopologyName

Classes Description
TopologyName Esri Topology Name object.

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