IUNTraceConfiguration2 Interface

Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network trace configuration 2.


Name Description
Read/write property AllowIndeterminateFlow Returns allow indeterminate flow
Read/write property ArcadeExpressionBarrier Returns the arcade expression barrier.
Read/write property ConditionBarriers Returns condition barriers.
Read/write property DiagramTemplateName Returns the diagram template name.
Read/write property DomainNetworkName Returns the domain network name
Read/write property FilterBarriers Returns filter barriers.
Read/write property FilterBitsetNetworkAttributeName Returns the filter bitset network attribute name.
Read/write property FilterFunctionBarriers Returns filter function barriers.
Read/write property FilterScope Returns the filter scope.
Read/write property FunctionBarriers Returns function barriers.
Read/write property Functions Returns functions.
Read/write property IgnoreBarriersAtStartingPoints Returns ignore barriers at starting points.
Read/write property IncludeBarriers Returns whether barriers should be included in the results.
Read/write property IncludeContainers Returns whether containers should be included in the results.
Read/write property IncludeContent Returns whether content should be included in the results.
Read/write property IncludeIsolated Returns include isolated for isolation trace.
Read/write property IncludeStructures Returns whether structures should be included in the results.
Read/write property IncludeUpToFirstSpatialContainer Returns include up to first spatial container.
Read/write property NearestNeighbor Returns nearest neighbor config.
Read/write property OutputConditions Returns output conditions.
Read/write property OutputFilters Returns output filters.
Read/write property Propagators Returns propagators.
Read/write property ShortestPathNetworkAttributeName Returns the shortest path network attribute name.
Read/write property SubnetworkName Returns the subnetwork name.
Read/write property SynthesizeGeometries Returns whether geometries for edge objects and associations should be synthesized.
Read/write property TargetTierName Returns the target tier name.
Read/write property TierName Returns the tier name.
Read/write property TraversabilityScope Returns the traversability scope.
Read/write property UseDigitizedDirection Returns whether the trace should use digitized direction.
Read/write property ValidateConsistency Returns whether consistency should be validated.
Read/write property ValidateLocatability Returns whether locatability of non-spatial objects should be validated.

IUNTraceConfiguration2.AllowIndeterminateFlow Property

Returns allow indeterminate flow.

Public Property AllowIndeterminateFlow As Boolean
public bool AllowIndeterminateFlow {get; set;}

IUNTraceConfiguration2.SynthesizeGeometries Property

Returns whether geometries for edge objects and associations should be synthesized.

Public Property SynthesizeGeometries As Boolean
public bool SynthesizeGeometries {get; set;}

IUNTraceConfiguration2.UseDigitizedDirection Property

Returns whether the trace should use digitized direction.

Public Property UseDigitizedDirection As Boolean
public bool UseDigitizedDirection {get; set;}

IUNTraceConfiguration2.ValidateLocatability Property

Returns whether locatability of non-spatial objects should be validated.

Public Property ValidateLocatability As Boolean
public bool ValidateLocatability {get; set;}

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IUNTraceConfiguration Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network trace configuration.

Classes that implement IUNTraceConfiguration2

Classes Description
UNTraceConfiguration Utility Network Trace Configuration.

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