IWebRequestHandler2 Interface

Provides access to methods that control handing of web requests.


Name Description
Method HandleStringWebRequest Handles a request with explicit capabilities.
Method HandleStringWebRequest2 Handles a request with http response code.

IWebRequestHandler2.HandleStringWebRequest2 Method

Handles a request with http response code.

Public Function HandleStringWebRequest2 ( _
    ByVal httpMethod As esriHttpMethod, _
    ByVal requestURL As String, _
    ByVal queryString As String, _
    ByVal Capabilities As String, _
    ByVal requestData As String, _
    ByRef responseContentType As String, _
    ByRef respDataType As esriWebResponseDataType, _
    ByRef pHttpResponseParameters As String _
) As Byte[]
public Byte[] HandleStringWebRequest2 (
    esriHttpMethod httpMethod,
    string requestURL,
    string queryString,
    string Capabilities,
    string requestData,
    ref string responseContentType,
    ref esriWebResponseDataType respDataType,
    ref string pHttpResponseParameters

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IWebRequestHandler Provides access to methods that control handing of web requests.

Classes that implement IWebRequestHandler2

Classes Description

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