
The raster workspace object.


The RasterWorkspace is one type of Workspace. It accesses raster data stored in file system such as ESRI GRID, ERDAS Imagine, TIFF, or any of other supported formats.

Supported Platforms

Windows, Solaris, Linux

Extended Error Information

Use the ISupportErrorInfo method InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo to determine if the object supports extended error information. If the object supports extended error info, VC++ developers should use the OLE/COM IErrorInfo interface to access the ErrorInfo object. Visual Basic developers should use the global error object Err to retrieve this extended error information.


Interfaces Description
IDataset (esriGeoDatabase) Provides access to members that supply dataset information.
IRasterWorkspace Provides access to members that control a raster workspace.
IRasterWorkspace2 (esriGeoDatabase) Provides access to members that control an improved raster workspace.
IRasterWorkspace3 Provides access to additional members that control a raster workspace.
ISupportErrorInfo (esriSystem)
IWorkspace (esriGeoDatabase) Provides access to members that have information about the workspace.
IWorkspaceProperties (esriGeoDatabase) Provides access to members that control the workspace properties.

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