SOIBase Class

The SOIBase class is an utility class. Both RestSOIHelper and SoapSOIHelper derive from this class. It provides general support for the request interception. It is possible to use it directly, but we recommend to use the RestSOIHelper and SoapSOIHelper classes instead as they contain more useful utility methods.


SOIBase(IServerObjectHelper)The SOIBase constructor.

SOIBase(IServerObjectHelper) Constructor

The SOIBase constructor. If used directly, should be called from the IServerObjectHelper.Init implementaiton.

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public SOIBase(ESRI.ArcGIS.Server.IServerObjectHelper soHelper)
soHelperIServerObjectHelper reference.


PropertyProperty valueDescription
SOIBase.ExtensionCacheIDictionary<string, IServerObjectExtension>Cache of the active SOEs.
SOIBase.ServerObjectHelperIServerObjectHelperThe ServerObjectHelper property provides access to the IServerObjectHelper reference. It is a read-only property.
SOIBase.ServerEnvironmentIServerEnvironment2The ServerEnvironment property provides access to the IServerEnvironment2 reference. It is a read-only property. The most common usage of the ServerEnvironment property is to obtain user information from the ServerEnvironment.UserInfo.


SOIBase.GetServerEnvironment()Deprecated. Use ServerUtilities.GetServerEnvironment() instead.
SOIBase.GetRoleInformation(IServerUserInfo)Get allowed roles for the user making a request. Deprecated. Use ServerUtilities.GetGroupInfo() instead.
SOIBase.QueryConfigurationProperties(String, String)Deprecated. Use ServerUtilities.QueryConfigurationProperties() instead.

SOIBase.GetServerEnvironment() Method

Deprecated. Use ServerUtilities.GetServerEnvironment() instead.

SOIBase.GetRoleInformation(IServerUserInfo) Method

Get allowed roles for the user making a request. Deprecated. Use ServerUtilities.GetGroupInfo() instead.

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public HashSet<String> GetRoleInformation(ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IServerUserInfo userInfo)

SOIBase.QueryConfigurationProperties(String, String) Method

Deprecated. Use ServerUtilities.QueryConfigurationProperties() instead.

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