messageSupportError Constants

MessageSupport Error Codes.

Constant Value Description
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​BAD_​REQUEST -2147200255 Bad syntax in request.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​UNAUTHORIZED -2147200254 Client tried to access password-protected page without proper authorization.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​FORBIDDEN -2147200253 Resource is not available, regardless of authorization.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​NOT_​FOUND -2147200252 No resource could be found at that address.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​METHOD_​NOT_​ALLOWED -2147200251 The request method (GET, POST, etc.) was not allowed for this particular resource.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​PROXY_​AUTHENTICATION_​REQUIRED -2147200250 Client tried to access password-protected proxy server without proper authorization.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​REQUEST_​TIMEOUT -2147200249 The client took too long to send the request.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​INTERNAL_​SERVER_​ERROR -2147200248 Generic server error message.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​NOT_​IMPLEMENTED -2147200247 Server doesn't support functionality to fulfill request.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​BAD_​GATEWAY -2147200246 Bad Gateway.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​SERVICE_​UNAVAILABLE -2147200245 Service Unavailable.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​UNSUPPORTED_​PROTOCOL -2147200244 The URL you passed in uses a protocol that is not supported.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​URL_​MALFORMAT -2147200243 The URL was not properly formatted.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​COULDNT_​RESOLVE_​PROXY -2147200242 Couldn't resolve proxy. The given proxy host could not be resolved.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​COULDNT_​RESOLVE_​HOST -2147200241 Couldn't resolve host. The given remote host was not resolved.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​COULDNT_​CONNECT -2147200240 Failed to connect to host or proxy.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​REQUEST_​TOLARGE -2147200239 Request entity too large.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​NO_​CONTENT -2147200238 Server has received the request but there is no content to be given for the request.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​SSL_​CACERT -2147200237 Problem with the CA cert (invalid path / access rights)
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​SSL_​CONNECT_​ERROR -2147200236 A problem occurred somewhere in the SSL/TLS handshake.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​SSL_​PEER_​CERTIFICATE -2147200235 The remote server's SSL certificate was deemed not OK.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​INVALID_​GET_​FILE -2147200234 There was an error accessing the output file provided for an http GET operation.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​OPERATION_​TIMEDOUT -2147200233 The operation on the server took too long. The client has timed out.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​MEM_​ALLOC_​FAILED -2147200232 Memory allocation failure.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​AUTH_​TOKEN_​FAILURE -2147200231 Token-based authentication failure.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​AUTH_​TOKEN_​REQUIRED -2147200230 Authentication token required.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​GET_​TOKEN_​FAILED -2147200229 Unable to acquire authentication token. Check with your GIS Server administrator to verify the token service is available and correctly configured.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​NOT_​ACCEPTABLE -2147200227 The server is not capable of generating the response which has the content characteristics requested by the client (e.g. encoding).
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​NOTFEDERATEDWITHACTIVEPORTAL -2147200226 Connection to federated server attempted, but server is federated with a portal other than the active portal.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​CONNECTION_​CANCELLED -2147200225 The connection was cancelled by the user.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​GATEWAY_​TIMEOUT -2147200224 Gateway Timeout.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​UNPROCESSABLE_​ENTITY -2147200223 The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors.
MESSAGESUPPORT_​E_​TOO_​MANY_​REQUESTS -2147200222 Too Many Requests.

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