Install the Maven artifacts

The ArcGIS Enterprise SDK contains the install-maven-artifacts tool (install-maven-artifacts.bat for Windows and for Linux) which can be executed from the command line. This tool installs the Maven dependencies, archetypes, and plug-ins required by the SDK at the Maven local repository.

Before executing the install-maven-artifacts tool, be sure you set up Java and Maven properly on your development environment. Visit install ArcGIS Enterprise SDK and install Java and Maven for more details. Failure to install Java or Maven will result in issues running the install-maven-artifacts tool.


  1. Open the terminal and go to the /java/maven directory under Enterprise SDK:

    Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
    [ags@linuxmachine ~]$ cd /home/ags/arcgis/enterprisesdk/java/maven/
  2. Use the sh command to run the Bash file:

    Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
    [ags@linuxmachine maven]$ sh
  3. The following six items, arcgis-enterprise-sdk, sdk-plugin, rest-soe-archetype, soap-soe-archetype, rest-soap-soe-archetype, and soi-archetype, should be installed successfully with the Build Success status for each of them.


  1. Open the command prompt, and go to the /java/maven directory under Enterprise SDK:

    Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
    C:\Users>cd "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\EnterpriseSDK\Java\maven"
  2. Run the install-maven-artifacts.bat file.

    Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
    C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\EnterpriseSDK\Java\maven>install-maven-artifacts.bat
  3. The following six items, arcgis-enterprise-sdk, sdk-plugin, rest-soe-archetype, soap-soe-archetype, rest-soap-soe-archetype, and soi-archetype, should be installed successfully with the Build Success status for each of them.

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