

This message is used when needing to implement a workflow upon a change of extent. This message carries the map Extent . Other widgets within an experience may subscribe to this message and implement an update workflow when the message is received.




The extent, which is the main content of the extent change message.


Indication whether the view is animating, being navigated with or resizing. During a movement, the ExtentChangeMessage message will be published multiple times with stationary value false, and when the map is static, the ExtentChangeMessage message will be published with stationary value true.


Represents the current view as a Viewpoint or point of observation on the view.


Class Property
extent: Extent

The extent, which is the main content of the extent change message.


Class Property
stationary: boolean

Indication whether the view is animating, being navigated with or resizing. During a movement, the ExtentChangeMessage message will be published multiple times with stationary value false, and when the map is static, the ExtentChangeMessage message will be published with stationary value true.


Class Property
viewpoint: Viewpoint

Represents the current view as a Viewpoint or point of observation on the view.

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