
To create and edit web experiences in ArcGIS Experience Builder, you must use a desktop, laptop, or tablet. You can view published experiences through a browser from any internet-connected device, including desktops, laptops, notebooks, tablets, and smartphones.

Supported browsers

The following browsers are supported. Learn more about supported browser versions.

Only WebGL-enabled, 64-bit browsers are supported. To test whether your browser has WebGL enabled, see To troubleshoot WebGL-related issues, see WebGL troubleshooting. Also see the ArcGIS Online topic specific to rendering Scene Viewer features for additional information.

Hardware requirements

The following are the minimum hardware requirements to run Experience Builder applications:

  • For desktop browsers, 8GB of system memory.
  • For mobile devices, 4GB of system memory.

More complex applications may require additional memory and higher-quality CPUs.

Learn more about ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript system requirements


To create experiences, you must be a member of an ArcGIS organization with a user type that includes privileges to create content. Experience Builder supports ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6 and later.

Anyone, including anonymous users, can view experiences that have been shared with the public. Viewing an experience that isn't shared publicly requires signing in as a member of an ArcGIS organization.

Supported languages

Experience Builder supports all languages that ArcGIS Online supports.

Your browser is no longer supported. Please upgrade your browser for the best experience. See our browser deprecation post for more details.