System requirements for 100.12.0

This page lists system requirements for the 100.12.0 release of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS. System requirements for recent previous releases are linked to from the bottom of this page. For older system requirements, see past guide versions in PDF format on the downloads page.

Developing apps

To develop apps with this release of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS, you need an Intel or Apple silicon based Mac computer running an operating system listed below:

  • macOS Big Sur (Version 11)
  • macOS Catalina (Version 10.15)

You can use any version of Xcode 12 and iOS 14 SDK . It is recommended that you use the latest version of Xcode to ensure that you have Apple's latest bug fixes, language support, and enhancements to both the Xcode and the iOS SDKs.

Although Apple's iOS SDK contains simulators to conveniently run and debug iOS applications on your Mac, it is recommended that you test your applications on actual devices to ensure they work and perform as expected. Testing on the simulator alone does not provide a good measure of how the application performs on the physical device.

You can use either Objective-C or Swift programming language to develop your apps.

Deploying your apps

Your apps can be deployed to a wide variety of iPhone and iPad devices, running any version of iOS 14, or iOS 13.

ArcGIS software and connected services

Use this table to determine the lowest Version of the ArcGIS Software that supports a specific ArcGIS Runtime function.

ArcGIS SoftwareVersionFunctionality supported by ArcGIS Runtime
ArcGIS Enterprise10.9
  • Honor scale expression in a dictionary renderer
  • Take a dictionary web style (referenced in a web map) offline
  • Read a dictionary renderer from a web map
  • Subtype group layers
  • Read CIM symbols from a web map
  • Standard and advanced user type licensing
  • Web styles
  • Scheduled updates to the feature services involved in the preplanned workflow (offline maps)
  • Annotation layers
  • Feature linked annotation
  • Offline maps created using the preplanned workflow
  • Feature tiles
  • Branch versioning
  • Web maps and scenes
  • Feature services
  • Tiled services
  • Offline maps created using the on-demand workflow
  • Advanced parameters for the on-demand workflow (offline maps)
ArcGIS Pro2.7
  • Honor scale expression in a dictionary renderer
  • Take a dictionary web style (referenced in a web map) offline
  • Read CIM symbols from a web map
  • Read a dictionary renderer from a web map
  • Subtype group layers
  • Online services (for layers and tables) in mobile map and scene packages
  • Publishing web styles
  • Dictionary web styles in mobile map packages
  • Elevation sources can use raster files in a mobile scene package
  • Transportation networks in a mobile scene package
  • Vector tile packages with custom styles in mobile map packages
  • Expiration of mobile map and scene packages (requires the Publisher Extension)
  • Utility network (version 3)
  • Create a mobile scene package (.mspk)
  • Create annotation layers and publish in a mobile map package
  • Next generation (.loz) locators
  • Create a mobile map package (.mmpk)
  • Utility network (version 2)
  • Create Runtime Content

Versions of supported specifications

Specifications supported in this release include the following:

  • GeoPackage versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2
  • Military standards APP-6(B), APP-6(D), MIL-STD-2525B (change 2), MIL-STD-2525C, and MIL-STD-2525D
  • Web Feature Service (WFS) versions 2.0.0 and 2.0.2
  • Web Map Service (WMS) versions 1.1.0, 1.1.1, and 1.3.0
  • WMTS version 1.0.0

Augmented reality: ARKit version 1 is supported

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